More for the taste, less for health: Sunil Chhetri rejoicing meals after retirement

After a glorious 19 year career that started as a young boy who played in Secunderabad earlier, moved to Delhi and then played local level football to the Indian team to even play on foreign shores, he's finally, you know, hung up his boots, the highest goal scorer ever for India with 94 goals. Joining us is Sunil Chetri. Sunil, thank you so much for speaking to India Today. And the first question that I want to really ask you is that it's been a week since you've retired. I want to know, what did you have for lunch, dinner, lunch, dinner, lunch, dinner. After the boring life of 19 years, did the cuisine change or not? Yeah, Some of the meals were were more for the taste and not for the health. I will not disclose what I ate, but yeah, more than that, a lot of time with the with the family, with my kid, wife, mom and dad are here, more relaxed, just staying occupied, not thinking about what has happened, having those cheat meals. Everything is going fine right now. OK. You know, how has life changed? Because I'm sure you had a regimented routine and you've spoken about it. You know, wake up at a certain time, you need to have your training. Even though there are no matches, you know what you have to follow. It's not like that. Do you feel awkward sometimes you wake up at 6 and what do I have to do? I don't have to do the gym work. I don't have to do the ground work. No, that will not change because I am going to still play for Bangalore FC for at least a year, which starts July 7th, the preseason. But yes, I did take liberties. There was there were no alarm clocks. I woke up at 8, had breakfast, slept again. So yeah. But I just hope even after retiring completely from football, which I don't know when it's going to be, I hope I can maintain majority bit of what what I've done or staying healthy doesn't hurt. Eating right food doesn't hurt. But yes, I would. I definitely look forward to all those cheat meals. I definitely look forward to not sleeping on time. I definitely look forward to being a little bit late. Yeah. You know, I interviewed Igor's T Mac, I think a few months ago. And one very interesting thing he mentioned about you, he said, you know, he may have a biological age soon. He may have a biological age of 39, but physically he's he's 29. Could you tell our viewers what really went into ensuring that there is a gap between your physical age and your biological age? I think the first thing is I love what I do. I'm one of the few less in the world who who does something he completely loves for a for for a living. Second, the fact that I am who I am, I live a completely privileged life. I'm so pampered. My only work is to go and play. Sometimes my wife compares my life to Dhruv, my son, because the only thing we both do is eat, play and sleep. That's what I had done last 19/20/21. Also, taking care of what I eat has been paramount. I think we, especially in India, do not give importance to to the power that food has. You know, I eat a lot of what I need and very less of what I want. And that segregation came with a lot of hard work and a lot of seeing around the world. I sleep on time. I have a lot of gratitude as what, what I've got. So the least that I can do is give back my best to the sport that that's what I've done. That hasn't meant that I've won always, but that has definitely meant that I sleep peacefully at night, that I've given my best. And that's the reason why I said I hope I don't change much. I hope I still stay regimental. I still, I hope that I can still keep the keep the, the discipline. So it has given me a lot of dividend. You know, it's not only I to be honest, it's not only on the pitch, but it also makes you a better person. I genuinely, I think feel it. I can't say I know it. I'm not a I'm not a doctor. But when you eat well, when you, when you know what you're doing, when you're pre planned of what's going to happen, what's going to happen tomorrow, you kind of become a better person because the, the, the margins of doing like a useful thing that goes. When that goes, I think more than often you're doing the right things because you already pre planned it. So I, yeah, I, I in fact, I remember you very disciplined. I don't know if you recall, but my first memory of Sunil Chetri is a camp that happened in Fagwara, that is a national camp. Sukwinder Singh was the coach and I come to cover. I stayed two days in the camp and my memory is of a Brazil Argentina game that was to start at 6:00 AM in the morning and players got up to sit in the TV room to watch that thing. And I came in the morning to even film that. That's my earliest memory. And not everyone got up because it was a early start, 6:00 AM start, Brazil Argentina. And at that time I could see that you know, this is a disciplined guy who's come in because he loves football. So he's woken up early morning to watch that from that boy that I remember in Fagwara to to today. Do you did you ever imagine in your wildest dream that's that's Sunil Chetra who's not made his debut to having played nineteen years? Did you even imagine in your wildest dream that's how your career will pan out? No, no, that's why That's why hence the gratitude and giving my best because there are few few people who have seen me that time close to you. Many remember that days. Those days. I I mean, even if I take you back four years from when you saw me when I was a young kid, even if somebody told me that you can write whatever you want and you will get it, I couldn't have written what I've actually got. So from that boy that you saw who hadn't played for the country yet to play 150 games, who forget about India, I'm the only one. But around the world, very few play on tickets for the country. It's an absolute honor and amazing feat. Of course, I wouldn't have done it without the help of so many, but I, I couldn't have written it. And as, and I have a lot of latitude, you know, all these days when I, after I, I, I announced for retirement, I had time to think about and reflect. I've lived a blessed life. Not many people in the world get to live the way I've lived. So much of love, so much of attention, so much of adulation, so much of liberties. It's, it's amazing. And the least that I can do is be disciplined. The least that I can do is turn up and and give my best. Yeah, you have certainly for those 19 years. Now, one thing I always wanted to ask you that whenever anybody talks about Sunil Shetti, you know, whenever there was a profile made or an interview starts, as I did today, you know, mention those 94 goals, the highest or the third highest in active players. And we journalists often use this stat data. I I often wonder, how do you see it? You do you find it confidence boosting sometimes or do you find it amusing? How do you see this particular stat? You know, there's Ronaldo, there's Messi, there's Sunil Chetri. So whenever a footballing person is talking about it, I am absolutely thrilled. I take a lot of pride because I know a footballing person. I understand what the comparison is. The comparison is purely on the basis of what we have done for our countries. And I will compete and I did compete against anyone in the world when it comes to doing my best for the country. I've done it. If given a chance, I'll do it again. But when it goes to a realm of people trying to compare the kind of players we are, that's where I, it's, it's amusing and I and I and I laugh and I, and I think it is ridiculous because there is no comparison whatsoever between me, Messi and Ronaldo. There are thousands and thousands and thousands of players like me who are huge fans of both Messi and Ronaldo. So only at that moment when, if I may say so, the new footballing fans who do not probably have much knowledge. And if if they are cracking about it or just, you know, talking about it, I find it a museum because all the footballing people, they understand this. There is no comparison. But yes, I would compete. I did and I will against anyone when when it comes to giving my best to the country's concern. OK, You're talking about people who follow football. So, you know, the the day you announce your retirement, we did a podcast with a few football journalists who've been following football for a long time. And, and the one question that came across was, you know, is Sunil the greatest footballer to play for India? And everyone had a different opinion. And I picked Sunil as the greatest ever, having seen many other footballers before you in a Baichung. And then I am Vijayan in a Mahesh Kowley, all of that. And I had my reason. So I'm not going to dwell into those reasons. But do you ever think about that, that the legacy you're leaving behind, people talking about greatest ever to play for India because it's not true, because I'm, I'm not trying to be humble. OK, let me say this. Forget me. Let's suppose, let's suppose we're talking about an armed vision and became energy, for example. OK, you can't compare because the errors were different. The circumstances were different. What they did was different. Who they did against was different. It's difficult to compare. I'm keeping myself away from a vantage point. It is, it is very difficult. I would never compare myself with anyone because I have so much respect for them now. Now what my legacy should be, and I hope it is, I worked tremendously hard and I just hope every player now in the resume, I know they, they didn't know it and they and they, they tried to emulate it and, and, and they get inspired by me. I just hope whoever talks about me in terms of legacy, they do understand that you really want to work hard, especially when you get a chance to play for the country. It's not a joke. You have the power to make 1.5 billion people happy. Do not take it for granted. The least you can do is just go out and give whatever you have. Do not take an inch of of complacency, just go out and just give you a best and I think that should be my legacy. I hope that is my legacy that here there was someone who really worked hard. OK, let me ask you put you in a spot. Of course, you have to keep yourself out of this debate and not going back into footballers that you never saw. But from the ones that you saw, who do you think was the greatest according to OK, should I make it easier for you? Should I reverse the question or you want to answer that or I can even make it slightly easier. I will, I will try. I have watched very less of Ambai and I and I love what I saw. But because you're talking about the best in the country and I'm keeping myself aside, I would say bye Chimbai. There are many that come in my head, but the sheer determination and the hunger that I saw in that person was was unmatched. And again, I must say I have seen much more of Baichumbai. I've played with him for six national team, so I might be biased. I mean, one more name comes in my head. A lot of people don't understand that is JJ. He did really well for the country at his prime, but it was short lived. But yeah, I think if I have to name one guy and there are so many is going to we're going to get annoyed. But yes, Baichumbai had that impact on me and and yeah, no, I don't think anybody will get annoyed. I mean, that's the goodwill that Bajung Gautier had, that everyone loves him so much. If you were to take that name, anyone will ever be not OK. I wanted to know ever since you retired, I'm sure you got loads of messages and, you know, congratulatory messages and people looking back at your career, who was the the biggest name in the world of football or the sweetest message that you got after you announced your retirement. See, and, and as far as big names are concerned, there are there are many. I mean, getting a moderate was huge. Getting a message from the FIFA boss was good. Virat was huge. But I just. I'm throwing names because people like. But yeah, yeah, yeah, I like to hear it. Yeah. One of the sweetest messages that really made me choke was I don't know the guy's name, but he made a video as to as to why I shouldn't retire. And he was, he started his journey with me. He started watching football with me. I'm so sorry, I forgot his name. And three days he made me cry in the bathroom because it just choked me. He talked about how he has grown with, with with my career. He talked about ups and downs. He talked about growing up in football with me. And it was unbelievable. Then, you know, at those times you realize what a what a beautiful life you had because, you know, I did something. When you go to the airport, when they go outside, when people talk about when they want autographs, photographs, after some time you get used to it, just like routine, OK, you have to go there, you give as much autographs as possible, you move on, you don't think about it. But after that, the kind of fan mails and messages I got, they were overwhelming. It was unbelievable kind of love there. And that's why I said that there aren't many sports people in the world, sorry, in my country who have got more love. I'm so fortunate and one of those videos really made me choked before, before, before 6 because because they were they were unbelievably good and I just wish them all the very best in whatever they they're doing in their life. OK, I'm going to mind social media and take out some of those messages. I'm sure they will be there after I'm done with the I will text. I will, I will text you through Kunal, the guy's name. OK, OK, we're going to put that out. I know I do not have too much time with you, but I have the last three questions to to go for you. One I want to know, you know, and I remember covering it very closely, it was the time that, that the QPR, you know, call came and, and it wasn't because of you. It was where India were ranked in the FIFA ranking at that time. You could not make that switch. Do you think life would have turned out differently at that time? You'd been eligible. So, you know, had India been in that, that situation within the FIFA ranking and you could get a work permit, things would have been different in your career. See, at that time I thought like that I had the regret for a short, short period of time but I moved on it. I mean, it didn't bother me. I didn't think about what would have happened. But I can tell you one thing that always stays with me is I was 26 when I went to Sporting Lisbon. I had a four year deal but in one year I came back because I didn't get enough chances. One, I won't say the great, it's a it's a very big world because I haven't seen life, but I wish I had gone to Sporting when I was 16. I wish I had those four years to burn. I wish because when 26 I was at Sporting BI was so it was itching me that I wasn't playing every week. I only played five games at 2 coming from the bench. It wasn't enough for my morale and I made the switch back to India. If I had gone to Sporting Lisbon when I was 16, playing with Sporting B, the likes of Eric Dyer, Bloom and all those superstars, I would have stayed there for four years and then I don't know what would have happened. Still, probably the life that I've got is is outstanding and I don't want to use the word regret. But yeah, sometimes I think that I wish I was 16 when I went to Sporting, OK. I had AI mean my own analysis and let me know at that time you go to Sporting Lisbon, if you were 16 and you were playing in the B team. See many people say this, there's sometimes people who've played at that level say that sometimes playing in B team can be tougher than playing in the A-Team because they are rougher, more physical. At that point, had you had you just made, you know, gone there at 16, maybe by that time transition when you were 242526 into the A-Team, it could have been different. Is that why you say you should have gone there younger? Yes, forget about the A-Team of of sporting only, but getting that kind of a level and that kind of an education and that kind of a surrounding and that kind of an atmosphere is a different ball game altogether. So when I was 16, I was in Delhi. When I was 17, I went to Mohan Bagan, which is the biggest club in India then and 17/18/1920 I was in Mohan Bagan, which was a great jump for me. I wasn't the best in India but then if I was 16, I was going to sport team. I'm talking about best in Europe. The level is way higher, you know, AT16A Figo goes to sporting at 16, Ronaldo goes to Sporting at 16 at Charisma goes to to to sporting and Eric Dyer, as I said, my room partner then was there at sporting. So I think the things would have been different. But again, it's not a regret. It's just that I wish I was there. And if any kid who wants to go to abroad and, and and horn his skills at that level, I hope he goes or she goes at a young age because it's not easy. It's not easy to make that jump from an Indian level to a Sporting Lisbon. So that's the only wish that I had. Would you want, you know, Indian footballers who go abroad and not a lot have gone? Sometimes you get a feeling that the comforts of being in India because you get paid more here rather than playing B divisions, the division abroad, it's tough for life. You have to drive yourself to the ground. You have to do your laundry, you have to search for your own food, cook and it's much comfortable here. Do you think that's that's a problem? If if there was a youngster who came to you who's playing abroad be stuff for times, what what advice would you give him that you know, spend those tough months there, do the hard work rather than getting an easier life, more money playing for a club in India. Could, could there be a solution there that you can think or advise a youngster who's thinking on those terms? That's a, that's a great technical question that you've asked. You know, what happens is let's say if the boys were doing well in our country, we are aiming Asia. It is so difficult because all the Asian teams look for the 4th foreign quota to Brazil and Argentina and the European nations. OK, so that's difficult. Now if you want to make a move to European nations, you've got to go to the B and the C divisions. Now if you are 2021 already and let's suppose you are a Suresh Wang, JAMA, Rodanta or or Anwar, you're making a lot of money here. It becomes very difficult. That is why the age group, that is why being 1516 helps. If you are that good at 1516 and you can see that and you have a right team around you who can see and sense that, then you go because at 16 you don't have crores, you're not seeing a multi year deals. You just want to play, so you take somebody with you, a guardian, you have the right team and you will do the laundries, you will Polish the booths of the seniors, you will do all the stuff that we did when we were younger. But now it's so difficult because a lot of youngsters in our country are making and it's not their mistake, it's not their fault. They can go to an Asian clubs but the Asians will always choose the Brazilians because you can understand that you only have 4 foreign cookers and when you go to Europe, there is no chance an ISL player will go and start in Premier League. Not yet. So you have to go to AB division, C division. You will not go if you already 23 and an established name. Yeah, yeah, I hope all the youngsters are listening. I always, you know, hope for Indian youngsters to go fight it out in those tougher leagues because you see that with a lot of other Asian teams, you know, because they don't have a big league like Afghanistan and all of those countries, they have to struggle and play BC Division and you do see a difference. I know no time left with you. My final question, Sunil, and that is I always wonder, and I thought I'll ask you at the end of your career that, you know, while we enjoyed your center of gravity, your vision, your weight of the past, all of that, everyone could see the one facet of your game that really fascinated me. 5 foot seven, you know, as tall as I am, how did that heading ability come that that, you know, hang in the air because I would see you up again, 6 feet, 6 feet, two defenders. And yet when there's a header, there's a Sunil Shetty taking that header. Where did that come from? I'll tell you an honest answer. It's it's not the leg power. It's not the jump, it just I am willing to hit the ball. I want to hit the ball and trust me it is. I always tell the kids because there's so many kids who have a great jump, so many things who are taught, but they can't because you don't want to. You have to want to because an elbow is coming. An elbow is coming to your face, so you have to want to. If you don't want to, you will never. To go for a header is one of the most difficult task in football because you can see an elbow and seeing an elbow is not easy. You know, a six feet 3 inch Mutava fall or Sandesh Jingan or John Johnson comes with an elbow. It is not easy. So I think I wanted to hit the ball. I want to hit the ball and that probably is the most important thing if you want to win headers. OK Sunil, thank you so much for your time and those insights he has. Wishing you very best for the one year that you're going to play football and all the very best for the future as well. Thank you so much. Thank you so much and all the best to you of watching Indian team there in in USA Come back come back with the trophy. We'll try and do that. Thanks so much. Thank you so much, Sunil. Bye. Bye. Bye. Thanks for your time.


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