Will Tesla Autopilot still work if you BLOCK all the cameras?

All right, Tesla Autopilot works by using cameras that are positioned all around the car. So there's a one right here at the front, there's a one just down below the mirror, A1 over there below the other mirror, and then the last one's on the boot just above the registration plate. And we also noticed that that camera is completely off centre with the Tesla logo above it, which I don't think I'm ever not going to be able to notice now. But anyway, in this video, we'll be covering up the cameras with blue tack and just seeing what impact that has on the driver visualisation and whether we can still use Autopilot when one or more cameras are completely covered up. So we can view three of the cameras by just clicking on this camera button. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to get out right now and I'm going to cover up our first camera just over here on the left, like a little bit of blue tag. There we go. All right. And now what we're going to do is I'm just going to get into sort of driving and I want to see, do we get any kind of warnings or anything? No, nothing's popped up anywhere. So does it just let me drive? It does. I can just drive along without any problems and a lot 1 camera is completely covered up. I'm still able to drive. Oh, we can still see wheelie bins on the screen, so I suppose that's using the front camera, but let's see if we can go into autopilot. Oh my God, we're we're in autopilot. We haven't had any kind of warning even though this camera's completely blocked up. Now it's worth mentioning the autopilot isn't just based on the four cameras. There's also sensors all over the car. Well, we're here. Let's find out. Is autopilot going to crash us into this lorry or is it going to stop? It stopped a bit harsher than I would have liked it to, but we are not dead, so I will take that. OK, so we could drive completely fine with that camera completely covered up. I reckon covering this camera is going to be the one that causes the most issues. But before we do that, I'm going to try and cover the left camera as well so that both left and right side cameras are completely covered. All right, there's a train stopped so I need to be quick. Where's my blue tag? Where's my blue tag toy? And just I screamed around all our posters for that. The train things are opening. Oh bloody hell, hang on, hang on. So we've just set off after the train and look at this right front Fender camera blocked or blinded. I'm surprised that didn't pop up way earlier because it's been blocked or blinded the whole time. It still lets me turn Autopilot on, though. But yeah, that is a bit odd that that notification's only just popped up. Also, it is worth mentioning, by the way, that Tesla driver did this video about two years ago, so we'll leave a link to his version of this video in the description. So park up here. And now I need to desperately find our blue tack because as Becky said, that was our only blue tack and I've completely lost it already. Where did I put it? Where has it gone, Vicky? There it is. I found it. I found it. It's fallen down. It's fallen down. OK, let's cover up the right camera, the left camera. Oh, I'm going to put this nice and safely there. That's not going anywhere, right? This should be interesting. Let's see, can we drive? We can, Yeah, we can drive normally. So let's pay attention to the visualisation and just see if anything shows up differently. So this is interesting. It's showing a bunch of wheelie bins up ahead, but there aren't actually any wheelie bins there. There's a traffic cone over here. So let's see if this traffic cone shows up. Well, it does. Traffic cone still shows up. And I think it thought that the man was a traffic cone. Yeah, it does. So because that man's dressed in orange, it thinks he's a traffic cone. It is showing non existent wheelie winds, which is a little bit interesting. So this wheel shows that I can turn autopilot on. So let's do it. All pilots on. 50% of the cameras are completely invisible. So right now there is a train coming. So are we about to hurdle into this van? We're currently accelerating at high speeds. We're going way too quickly. OK, Is it going to reduce speed? Oh my God, it is, it is. That was I was milliseconds from taking over and doing a very harsh break there. But good to know that bloody Nora took us over the tread tracks a lot faster than I would like to, but it is now accelerating at normal speed even though half of the cameras are completely invisible. So what about this rear camera? That's the only other one we can visualise from inside. Oh, it's slowing us down, slowing us down a lot. It's been funny on this turning multiple times. Hasn't it scared of it? Isn't it really scared of it? Yeah. For some reason it slows us down really early. We've been shown up without any kind of issues. So this is where we drove off the road during our puddle video. But soon as there's no one around, I'm just going to pull in so that we can get this last camera covered up. So yeah, you can only see these three cameras on this screen. There's no reason for this big iPad to show what this camera sees because you can see what this camera sees. It's in front of you. But I'll get me trusty blue tag and I'm going to get this last one covered up. And I think that's going to make a big difference missing bar kissing bar kissing bar kissing bar kissing bar kissing bar kissing bar kissing bar kissing bar you feel coveted fully. What's that go Why that one sorted? It's because it's such a wide lens. I think this side yay OK, we go all three cameras now covered up. So let's go into drive once again Still no kind of warnings or anything. So I wonder what the car thinks is happening right now because it just can't see anything. Oh this might be worth testing. So if I drive forward, you can see that I am 20 I'm 1716 inches away from the wall in front of me let's reverse and let's see if those sensors still show up for the the verge behind me. So I'm not getting anything. Oh, so it says we're literally right on something and now it's changed to 1413 even though we're not moving. Stop. Maybe it's the blue tack. Yeah, the blue tack's definitely confusing it a bit. I do think that it uses the the sensors on the back to to determine the interest. Look, it's changing again, 12 inches. Stop. So normally this only changes when I'm moving closer or further away from something. We've definitely confused it a little bit at least. OK, let's go out of reverse and let's start driving somewhere. Oh, so this is interesting with just the camera in front of us, we can see markings on the road. They're displayed incorrectly, but they are markings anyway, so still showing lanes without any kind of issues as well. Oh, there we go look at that multiple cameras, blocked or blinded clean cameras or wait for them to regain visibility. We've got that warning, but I think we can still turn autopilot on. So let's try it autopilots on. Let's test how well it does autopilot driving without any kind of problems slowing us down a bit. Oh, it's it's actually kind of oh, it's a bit scary, isn't it? It went around that corner without any kind of issue. I mean, once again, this camera, the main camera that uses isn't currently covered up. So it's allowing us to use all pilot no problem. So what we're going to have to do is we're going to have to get over there, get parked and I'm going to cover up this camera. And I reckon that's where everything changes. But I am impressed that it is able to drive us, I would say safely. We're staying a decent distance from the side. We're staying within our lanes. I would have liked some traffic to go past just so we could see if that shows up on screen, but I suppose we'll just have to go looking for that. So you can see it's still showing us when we get a little bit closer to the things on the side. So I guess once again, that is based purely off the sensors. All right, we're coming up to a junction. So what we'll do is we'll go straight over junction lines and the markings on the road still showing up without any kind of problems. And there is a very large lorry coming towards us on the other side of the road. So let's find out if that shows up or not. It is once again warning me that multiple cameras are blocked. All right, the lorry flash for a second. Yep, there's the lorry without any kind of issue. And then we've got a Mini coming. Let's see if the Mini shows up. Yeah, the mini did show up, but not for as long as it usually does though, which is quite interesting. So it seems like perhaps once it gets parallel with the car and it can't rely on this side camera it it can't show anything off anymore. I'm going to go this way. I see some pedestrians. I love visualising some pedestrians. Go on what we got anything on often? Anything on offer? It didn't show me any pedestrians. It showed me a non existing wheelie bin. All right, we'll park here quickly and let's get the final camera covered up. All right, this one you won't be able to see on the screen, but your seat is right there, so that's OK. A difficult one. So on closer inspection, there's actually like three different possible little lenses, so I don't know which one's the actual one. So I've always thought that it was that one. But if you look under there, there's actually a little camera there. Do you see it? You can see that on the camera. Probably really hard to see on the camera, but there's actually, oh, there's actually three. I don't think I'll be blue tackles. Yeah, yeah, it will. Right. OK, so I'm going to cover that, even though I think that could be a sensor. That one's going to have to go there. I'll put that one there. We need like a piece of paper. I've got kitchen roll. All right, I'm having to whack out my emergency kitchen roll. OK, I don't know if this is going to stick to it. I have a feeling our kitchen roll's about to go flying. Put that there. Get that one marked there. There we go. Perfect. Very professionally, Lizzie. Hell, look at that guys. Please do subscribe for more high quality Tesla content. Oh, what's happened here? Some of the blue tacks already fell off. Hang on one SEC. Look at that. That's dreadful, absolutely dreadful. All right, all four cameras are now officially blocked. I don't know. My God. Car, you have some more. I didn't do the wipers. I didn't. What just happened? I missed the thought there was something on the wiper. Here it is. I don't know if you saw that or not, but the wiper triggered the second I put the car into drive. I mean, it obviously makes perfect sense. The camera was blocked, so the car thought that it needed to wipe it to clear whatever was on there. I did not see that one coming. OK, she's going for it. OK, here we go. There is also a wheelie bin being displayed and there is no wheelie bin there, so that's quite interesting. There's also apparently a wheelie bin next to us, but there ain't no wheelie bin there either. Becky, I'm going to hand that back over to you and let's see if we can start driving. What I'm noticing I'm not seeing any lane markings at all. Oh, actually we are seeing lane markings. Oh, bloody hell, our our kitchen rolls blown up in the air. That'll be why all the lane markings are shown without any problem. Alright, attempt number possibly 3. Becky is Becky stuck it down. It looks promising. To be fair, I'm feeling good about this one. OK, here we go. We're probably limited to speeds of about 5 miles an hour. Here we go, this is perfect. There is a car coming, so I'm just going to pull over here, let the car passed, let's see if anything shows up on the screen or not. And absolutely nothing shows up at all. Alright, we're getting to some lens. Our kitchen rule is wafting in the wind, so I'm quite beautiful about it to be honest. As you can see, there is no little wheel there, which means that I can't actually turn autopilot on. So it seems like everything comes from just this front camera. Multiple cameras blocked or blinded as popped up on the screen again, as you can see, we still can't see any lanes, but we can obviously drive the car completely fine. We just can't go into autopilot, which, you know, obviously that makes a lot of sense. Oh, it is actually displaying a junction line, which is quite interesting. I wonder how it's doing that. I don't know if that's using GPS really. So we can't see any road markings at all, which is really strange. Whoa, Becky, look at our kitchen roll wafting. Look at it go. Where did it go? Oh look, all the roadbarkings are back and and I can go into autopilot again. How wonderful kitchen roll like that's completely biodegradable. I don't think it's worth going back for it. All right, new strategy. We're going to put the what? Thanks for that Mickey, is that is that for me. Thank you new strategy, we're gonna try and put our GoPro clump over the top of the cameras instead cause at least that won't go anywhere and it should be able to block in on most of the cameras anyway. Hey Phil, I'm in the move for a Switcher. I hit the hit the roadway to that hiccup. The road markings are still being displayed. We're obviously getting our multiple cameras blocked warning and it seems to be showing off all the lanes. But what's interesting is it's not letting me turn on autopilot, which it generally does in this area. But I'll get to a more mainstream Rd. with more obvious lane markings just to check 100% that that's what it is. Big old tractor comment. So let's find out. Does anything show up on the screen? Nothing shows up at all. We are seeing lane markings though, so I think one of the cameras perhaps isn't quite covered up. There's also a stop sign coming up right here, so let's find out if that shows up. So it should just show up just on the left there. This shows up every single other time, but today it does not show up at all, which makes sense because the thing that detects it is completely covered up. All right, we're going to get onto the main road. Let's find out if it will let us engage autopilot or not. Also coming up to a junction, let's see if this junction displays like the last one did as well. So the junction's just here, and this time the junction doesn't seem to be displaying. All right, This is the road where we can normally turn autopilot on. So can we turn it on today? No, there is not a little wheel showing up and if I try, it just says cruise control unavailable, reduced front camera visibility. So that's completely expected. I think the last thing that I do want to try is keeping this front camera covered up. But we'll then uncover the remaining cameras and we'll just see if we can turn auto pilot on like that. So I'm going to nip out multiple cameras blocked or blinded, not for long. All right, this one. There we go, OK, all cameras now uncovered other than the front one, which is still more or less completely covered. We can still see lens, but it will not let us turn autopilot on. This is what happens when I try, it just gives me that little warning. So basically what we've learned is that autopilot is 100% dependent on just this front camera. Which I suppose makes sense because we've also discovered that there's about 3 different cameras in there, all pointing at slightly different angles. Just they can work out exactly how the road winds around and stuff, you know what I mean? And now lastly, I'm gonna park up once again. I'm gonna remove the GoPro from the front camera because I want to make sure that I haven't just broken autopilot forever. OK, here we go let's get back on to the main road. Let's see if the car can see this wheelie bin once again or it sees a crystal clear. That is beautiful. And now autopilot, little symbol has popped up. So if I engage, there we go. Autopilot still seems to work, which is fantastic because I was slightly worried that we'd broken it forever. And look what a wonderful way to end. We can hurtle towards this Picasso at high speeds. Is autopilot going to stop us? Let's find out. Oh, it's still going very quick, Still going very quick. Very quick, Very quick, very quick, very quick. OK, it stopped us. Oh, but it really leaves it a bit late when it gets to this bit. But we are not dead. We have survived and we can see the wonderful flashing traffic light slash train light things that Autopilot always gets confused by. Hopefully they've enjoyed this episode. If you did, please do leave a like and also subscribe. We are very close to quarter of a million subscribers and it would be amazing to get there in the next month or so. And we also upload every week. So if you want to keep up with everything Tesla related, this is a good chance to subscribe to. Thanks for watching, I'll see you later.


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