Microwave oven buying guide: Tips to buy the right one for your kitchen and the best options to choose from

amazon, microwave oven buying guide: tips to buy the right one for your kitchen and the best options to choose from

Simplify your shopping experience with our microwave oven buying guide.

Looking for the perfect microwave oven for your kitchen? With so many choices out there, it can feel overwhelming. But don’t worry! Our comprehensive microwave buying guide is here to help! We'll walk you through everything you need to know before finding the right microwave. From understanding the different types and key features to checking out the best microwave oven brands in India, we’ve got you covered.

Whether you’re searching for a basic model to reheat leftovers or a more advanced option for cooking, our microwave oven buying guide will help you make an informed decision. In the end, we will also recommend some of the best microwave ovens in India to make your choice even easier. So, let’s dive in and find the perfect microwave oven for your kitchen, making your cooking experience more convenient and enjoyable.

Let’s begin with understanding what is a microwave oven and what are the various types of microwave ovens.

What is a microwave oven?

A microwave oven is a versatile kitchen appliance that uses microwave radiation to cook and heat food quickly and efficiently. It's an essential tool in modern kitchens, perfect for reheating leftovers, cooking simple meals, and even baking cakes. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced cook, a microwave oven is a must-have for making everyday cooking simpler and faster.

Types of Microwave Ovens

  • Solo microwave oven
  • Grill microwave oven
  • Convection microwave oven

What is a solo microwave?

A solo microwave oven is the most basic type of microwave oven. If you are looking for a microwave only for essential functions like defrosting, cooking, and reheating, a solo microwave is the best option. This type of microwave is perfect for defrosting and reheating food, as well as performing simple cooking tasks. However, it is not suitable for baking or roasting.

Who should buy a solo microwave?

It is ideal for people who mainly need basic functions like reheating, defrosting, and simple cooking tasks. It's budget-friendly and easy to use.

Check out some of the best solo microwaves in India

What is a grill microwave?

The grill microwave oven builds upon the capabilities of a solo microwave oven by adding a grilling function to its repertoire. Alongside standard microwave functions like defrosting and reheating, this model excels at grilling food. Additionally, like other microwave ovens, a grill microwave allows you to adjust cooking times, with certain models offering temperature control features for more precise cooking.

Who should buy a grill microwave?

It is suitable for people who want to add grilling capabilities to their microwave. It's good for cooking items like kebabs and sandwiches in addition to basic microwave functions.

Check out some of the best grill microwaves in India

What is a convection microwave?

Convection microwave ovens are the most versatile among the three types. They combine the features of a microwave with those of a convection oven, which uses hot air to cook food evenly. This makes them more advanced than solo or grill microwaves. These ovens are great for a variety of cooking tasks. You can use them to cook, bake and roast different types of food.

They're especially good at making food crispy and brown, something that regular microwaves can't do. Despite their advanced capabilities, convection microwaves can still handle basic jobs like reheating leftovers or defrosting frozen items. They're also compatible with nonstick cookware, giving you more options in the kitchen.

Who should buy a convection microwave oven?

It has the ability to bake, roast and crisp food items. It's the most advanced and versatile option, suitable for those who cook more varied dishes and want to use their microwave as a substitute for a conventional oven.

Check out some of the best convection microwaves in India

Difference between solo, grill and convection microwave ovens


Solo Microwave Oven

Grill Microwave Oven

Convection Microwave Oven

Basic Functionality Reheating, defrosting, basic cooking Reheating, defrosting, basic cooking, grilling Reheating, defrosting, cooking, baking, roasting
Grilling Function Not included Included Included
Baking and Roasting Not suitable Not suitable Suitable
Crisping and Browning Not suitable Moderate Yes
Cooking Methods Uses microwaves only Uses microwaves and grill Uses microwaves and convection (hot air)
Versatility Basic functions only Adds grilling capabilities Can cook, bake, roast, and crisp food
Suitable Cookware Any microwave-safe cookware Any microwave-safe cookware Any microwave-safe cookware and nonstick
Price Range Lower Moderate Higher
Best Use Simple cooking and reheating Grilling and basic cooking Versatile cooking including baking and roasting

Things to consider before buying a microwave oven

How to find the right microwave oven for your home? Our microwave oven buying guide and checklist will help you buy the best microwave for the kitchen.

Type of microwave oven

First and foremost, identify the usage of a microwave oven in your kitchen. What do you really need the microwave for? Do you want it for basic functions like reheating or defrosting of food, or for grilling or do you want a versatile option for cooking, baking, roasting, and crisping? After you have identified the usage, you can choose between solo, grill and convection ovens.

Size and capacity

Measure your kitchen space where the microwave will be placed. Ensure it fits comfortably on your countertop or check if you require built-in models Consider how much food you typically prepare or reheat. Microwave capacities range from compact which are under 20 litres to larger models between 20-30 litres for bigger families.

Power and wattage

Higher wattage (typically 700-1200 watts) means faster cooking. Choose wattage based on your cooking habits. Higher wattage is better for cooking larger or denser foods quickly.

Cooking Features

Pre-set programs: Look for microwaves with pre-set cooking functions for common dishes like popcorn, pizza, or vegetables. This simplifies cooking by automatically setting time and power levels.

Sensor cooking: Advanced models have sensors to detect moisture levels in food, adjusting cooking time and power for optimal results.

Quick start/one-touch buttons: These features are convenient for quick reheating or cooking tasks with a single button press.

Easy to use and clean

When considering ease of use and cleaning in a microwave oven, prioritise a user interface that offers intuitive controls and clear displays, whether through touchpad or dial mechanisms. These controls should be straightforward to operate for seamless cooking experiences. For cleaning convenience, opt for models with a removable turntable or flatbed design. This feature makes it easy to wipe down spills and food residues. Additionally, interiors made of stainless steel or ceramic are preferable as they are durable and simpler to maintain hygiene standards with regular cleaning.

Energy Efficiency

Look for microwaves with Energy Star certification, indicating they meet energy efficiency guidelines. Energy-efficient models can save on electricity costs over time.

Budget considerations

Start by setting a clear budget range based on your financial considerations. Compare different models within this range, taking into account features, size, and brand reputation. While evaluating costs, also factor in long-term savings that energy-efficient models can offer through reduced electricity consumption. Additionally, prioritise durability and the warranty offered, as a reliable microwave can save money in the long run by avoiding frequent repairs or replacements.

Additional features to look for while buying a microwave oven

When purchasing a microwave oven, it's crucial to consider its features to ensure it aligns with your cooking needs.

Preheat and defrost options: While not all microwaves have a dedicated "preheat" function like conventional ovens, some use grill or convection heating elements to achieve similar results. Most microwaves include a defrost function for quick and safe thawing of frozen foods.

Turntable and racks: A rotating turntable ensures even cooking by rotating food during operation. Some models feature additional racks, enabling you to cook multiple dishes simultaneously or accommodate taller items.

Child lock: Essential for households with children, the child lock feature prevents accidental operation, ensuring safety in the kitchen.

Sensor cooking: Advanced microwaves offer sensor cooking that automatically adjusts cooking time and power levels based on the food's moisture levels, ensuring optimal results.

Quick cook/express cooking: Handy for quick meals, these presets allow you to cook or reheat dishes with a single touch, minimising guesswork.

Keep warm function: Maintains a low power setting to keep food warm without overcooking, ideal for serving meals at the right temperature.

Smart features: Some modern microwaves come with smart features like Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing remote control and integration with smart home systems for added convenience.

Interior light: A light inside the microwave helps you monitor food as it cooks, ensuring you don't overcook or burn dishes.

How to maintain your microwave?

Buying a microwave is just the first step of owning one. The real task is to maintain a microwave oven. Here are a few tips to maintain your oven from our microwave oven buying guide:

Regular cleaning: Wipe down the interior after each use to remove spills and food splatters. Use a mild detergent or microwave-safe cleaner with a damp cloth. Avoid abrasive cleaners that can scratch surfaces.

Clean the turntable and rack: Remove the turntable and racks periodically to clean them separately. Wash them with dish soap and warm water or in the dishwasher if they are dishwasher-safe.

Deodorise: To eliminate odours, place a bowl of water with lemon slices or vinegar inside the microwave. Heat it on high for a few minutes, then wipe the interior with a cloth.

Clean the exterior: Wipe the exterior with a damp cloth to remove dust and fingerprints. Use a stainless steel cleaner for stainless steel exteriors if needed, following manufacturer instructions.

Ventilation maintenance: Ensure the ventilation ports are clear of debris or blockages. This helps prevent overheating and allows proper airflow.

Replace filters (if applicable): If your microwave has a charcoal or grease filter, check it periodically and replace it as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain optimal performance.

Avoid overheating: Avoid running the microwave empty as it can damage the magnetron, which is crucial for heating food. Always place a microwave-safe container with food or water inside when operating.

Use microwave-safe cookware: Use only microwave-safe containers and utensils to prevent damage to the oven and potential health hazards.

Inspect door seals: Regularly check the door seals for any signs of wear or damage. Proper seals are important for safety and efficient cooking.

Follow manufacturer's instructions: Refer to the microwave's user manual for specific maintenance tips and recommendations from the manufacturer.

Is it safe to cook in microwave ovens?

One question that arises in everyone’s mind is - are microwaves safe?

The answer is yes. Microwave ovens emit non-ionizing radiation, which is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is generally considered safe for human health. Microwave ovens are specifically designed with safety features to prevent leakage of radiation. They have metal mesh screens on the door and walls of the cooking chamber, which reflect microwave radiation back into the chamber, ensuring it does not escape into the surrounding environment.

Moreover, cooking with microwaves is generally considered a healthy option due to their ability to cook food quickly and with minimal water. This helps to retain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that can be lost in traditional cooking methods like boiling. Microwaves also require less added fats and oils, making it easier to prepare meals with reduced calories and saturated fats, which is beneficial for maintaining a balanced diet.

What are the best microwave oven brands in India?

Check out the best microwave oven brands in India that stand out for their quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction:

LG: LG microwaves are known for their advanced technology and durability. They offer a range of models from basic solo microwaves to convection ovens with features like smart inverter technology for precise cooking, easy clean interiors, and sleek designs.

Samsung: Samsung microwaves combine sleek design with innovative features such as Slim Fry technology for healthier frying options, ceramic enamel interiors for easy cleaning, and a range of auto cook menus.

IFB: IFB microwaves are known for their convection technology that ensures even cooking and baking. They offer models with features like multi-stage cooking, steam clean, deodorise, and fermentation capabilities.

Panasonic: Panasonic microwaves are highly regarded for their durable construction, incorporating advanced technologies such as inverter cooking for consistent results. With intuitive controls and a variety of features like sensor cooking and turbo defrost, they offer convenience and reliability.

Whirlpool: Whirlpool microwaves are known for their innovative technologies such as 3D Crisp Technology for crispy cooking results, Jet Defrost for fast defrosting, and Magicook range for budget-friendly options.

Now comes the most exciting part of the microwave oven buying guide! Let’s check out the best microwave ovens in India to choose from!

6 best microwave ovens in India

1. Samsung 23 L Grill Microwave Oven

The Samsung 23 L Grill Microwave Oven is designed for families of 3 to 4 members, offering a capacity of 23 litres. It features various cooking modes, including Grill+30s for browning and crisping food. This microwave includes Eco Mode to minimise energy consumption during standby, reducing electricity bills. Its Quick Defrost function thaws food evenly and quickly, while the Keep Warm feature maintains food at serving temperature without over-cooking. The microwave also offers Deodorization to eliminate lingering odours. It has user-friendly control with options like Auto Programs and a Child Safety Lock for added security.

Specifications of Samsung 23 L Grill Microwave Oven:

Capacity: 23 litres

Wattage: Not specified in the provided information

Type: Grill Microwave Oven

Control Method: Digital control panel with touchpad

Special Feature: Eco Mode, Quick Defrost, Keep Warm, Deodorization, Grill+30s

What are buyers saying on Amazon?

Buyers praise the oven's appearance, ease of cleaning, quality, and value. They note its attractive design, user-friendliness, and functionality for daily cooking.

2. IFB 30 L Convection Microwave Oven

This IFB micro oven is one of the best convection microwave ovens, ideal for large families with its spacious 30-litre capacity. It offers versatile cooking options including convection for baking, grilling, reheating, defrosting, and regular cooking. Key features include Auto Reheat, Express Cook for quick meals, and a Digital Clock for precise timing. It boasts 101 Standard Menus for effortless cooking, along with special functions like Steam Clean, Disinfect, and Deodorize for easy maintenance. The microwave ensures safety with a Child Safety Lock and provides a comprehensive warranty of 1 year on the oven and 3 years on the magnetron and cavity.

Specifications of IFB 30 L Convection Microwave Oven:

Capacity: 30 litres

Wattage: Not specified in the provided information

Type: Convection Microwave Oven

Control Method: Touch keypad (membrane)

Special Feature: Auto Reheat, Express Cook/Quick Start, Convection Temperature (40~200 ℃), Preheat, Keep Warm

What are buyers saying on Amazon?

Buyers appreciate the microwave's user-friendly design and simple menu features. Some find it a great kitchen addition, but opinions vary on value and quality.

3. Panasonic 23L Convection Microwave Oven

The Panasonic 23L Convection Microwave Oven is designed for families of 3 to 4 members with its 23-liter capacity. It features 800 watts of high power for fast and even cooking. The oven utilizes 360 Degree Heat Wrap technology to ensure uniform heat distribution for quicker cooking times. With 61 auto cook menus, including options for starters and desserts, it offers convenient cooking solutions. The Magic Grill function uses dual grill power to achieve crispy exteriors and juicy interiors. Other features include Auto Reheat & Defrost modes, Vapour Clean for odour and stain removal, and a compact design with a glass turntable for efficient space use.

Specifications of Panasonic 23L Convection Microwave Oven:

Capacity: 23 litres

Wattage: 800 watts

Type: Convection Microwave Oven

Control Method: Touch Key Pad (Membrane)

Special Feature: 360 Degree Heat Wrap, Auto Cook 61 Menu, Magic Grill, Vapour Clean

What are buyers saying on Amazon?

Buyers appreciate the microwave's quality, appearance, and size, noting its attractive design and suitability for small families. They value its performance, ease of use, and features, though opinions on heating are mixed.

4. IFB 24 L Solo Microwave Oven

The IFB 24 L Solo Microwave Oven is suitable for families with 5 to 6 members, offering a spacious 24-litre capacity. It operates as a solo microwave, ideal for reheating, melting, and basic cooking tasks. Featuring a touch keypad (membrane) for easy cleaning, it includes Multi Stage Cooking, Auto Reheat, and Timer options for versatile meal preparation. The microwave comes with 69 Indian and Continental Auto Cook recipes, ensuring convenient cooking solutions for various dishes. It also prioritises safety with a Child Safety Lock and offers additional features like Delay Start, Steam Clean, and Overheating Protection for enhanced durability and performance.

Specifications of IFB 24 L Solo Microwave Oven :

Capacity: 24 litres

Wattage: Not specified in the provided information

Type: Solo Microwave Oven

Control Method: Touch Key Pad (Membrane)

Special Feature: Multi Stage Cooking, Auto Reheat, Timer option, 69 Auto-cook menus, Child Safety Lock

What are buyers saying on Amazon?

Buyers appreciate the microwave's efficient heating, size, and ease of use, especially for small families. Some also find its appearance appealing. However, opinions vary regarding its service quality.

5. Panasonic 20L Solo Microwave Oven

The Panasonic 20L Solo Microwave Oven is idealfor bachelors and small families with its compact 20-liter capacity. It features 800 watts of power for fast and even cooking. The microwave includes Auto Reheat & Defrost modes for uniform heating and preserving food texture. With 51 Auto Cook menus, ranging from snacks to desserts, it offers convenient preset options for everyday meals. The Vapour Clean function helps keep the oven odour-free and stain-free with a simple button press. Its compact design with a glass turntable maximizes interior capacity while minimising countertop space, making it an efficient addition to any kitchen.

Specifications of Panasonic 20L Solo Microwave Oven:

Capacity: 20 litres

Wattage: 800 watts

Type: Solo Microwave Oven

Control Method: Touch Keypad, Digital Display

Special Feature: Auto Reheat, Auto Defrost, Auto Cook (51 Menu), Vapour Clean

What are buyers saying on Amazon?

Buyers appreciate the microwave's size, ease of use, and suitability for families, noting its compactness and straightforward operation. They also admire its kitchen-friendly appearance. However, some criticize the buttons and heating performance.

6. LG 28 L Convection Microwave Oven

The LG 28 L Convection Microwave Oven is perfect for families of 4-6 members with its spacious 28-litre capacity. It combines convection technology for baking with grilling, reheating, defrosting, and regular cooking tasks. The microwave features an energy-efficient Quartz Heater for even cooking and a stainless steel cavity for hygienic and durable use. It offers 251 Auto Cook menus, ranging from gujiyas to pizzas, and includes special health-plus recipes like gluten-free pasta and chickpea curry. Additional features include a Child Safety Lock, Steam Clean, Keep Warm function, and energy-saving modes, making it versatile and convenient for everyday cooking needs.

Specifications of LG 28 L Convection Microwave Oven:

Capacity: 28 litres

Wattage: Grill Power Consumption – 1200 W, Convection Power Consumption – 1950 W, Microwave Power Levels – 5

Type: Convection Microwave Oven

Control Method: Programmable with touchpad controls

Special Feature: Auto Cook (251 menus), Quartz Heater, Stainless Steel Cavity, Completion Beeper, Dehumidification

What are buyers saying on Amazon?

Buyers appreciate the microwave's quality, value, and user-friendly design, finding it useful and worth the price for easy cooking.

Top 3 features of the best microwaves in India

Best microwave ovens in India



Special features

Samsung 23 L Grill Microwave Oven 23 litres ‎800 Watts Eco Mode, Browning Plus (Grill +30s), Quick Defrost
IFB 30 L Convection Microwave Oven 30 litres 800 Watts Convection, Auto Cook 101 Menu, Steam Clean
Panasonic 23L Convection Microwave Oven 23 litres 800 watts 360 Degree Heat Wrap, Auto Cook 61 Menu, Magic Grill
IFB 24 L Solo Microwave Oven 24 litres ‎1400 Watts Multi Stage Cooking, Auto Reheat, 69 Auto-cook menus
Panasonic 20L Solo Microwave Oven 20 litres 800 watts Auto Reheat, Auto Cook 51 Menu, Vapor Clean
LG 28 L Convection Microwave Oven 28 litres Grill - 1200 W, Convection - 1950 W, Microwave - 5 levels Quartz Heater, Health Plus Menu, Stainless Steel Cavity

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FAQs on best microwave ovens in India

1. Can microwave ovens cook food evenly?

Yes, microwave ovens cook food evenly due to the distribution of microwaves throughout the cavity. Turntables or rotating trays help ensure uniform heating.

2. What are the benefits of using a convection microwave oven?

Convection microwave ovens offer the versatility of microwave cooking, along with the ability to bake, roast, and grill. They provide faster cooking times and crispy textures.

3. How do I determine the right microwave oven capacity for my needs?

Consider your family size and the types of dishes you typically prepare. For small families, 20-25 litres is sufficient, while larger families may prefer 30 litres or more.

4. Are there energy-efficient options available in microwave ovens?

Yes, many microwave ovens come with energy-saving features like Eco Mode, which reduces power consumption during standby and low-power modes.

5. What safety features should I look for in a microwave oven?

Look for features like a Child Safety Lock to prevent accidental operation, overheating protection, and easy-to-clean surfaces to maintain hygiene.

At Hindustan Times, we help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and products. Hindustan Times has an affiliate partnership, so we may get a part of the revenue when you make a purchase. We shall not be liable for any claim under applicable laws, including but not limited to the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, with respect to the products. The products listed in this article are in no particular order of priority.

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