Arrestee ends up busting police officer who stole $900 from him during traffic stop

You are under arrest at this time. You have a warrant out for your arrest. I'm going to show it to you in a moment. OK? Is this your car? Did he drive it? The guy that's in the past. I'm going to show it to you. Come back here. I'm going to give you, I'm going to show you the LIDAR too, where I clocked you at 68. That's probably the biggest concern here. OK, But I'm going to show you the warrant once I get you secure. OK. Is there anything you want to bring with you down there to Mecca for county jail? I'm I'm, I'm saying I cannot understand what am I doing between. Yeah, it's a it's a warrant. I'm going to show you the actual warrant. Just a moment when I try to can't sit you down. Everything on they need to know about when there's a poker sticker. No, no. OK. Do you want to bring these items with you or leave them in the car? Yeah, you can give them. You can put them in my pocket right here at the pocket. I get this guy. All right. Can I get my can you get my phone? Yes, I'm going to. I'm going to leave that cast in there. Any other pockets? Anything about what is my what is my money? On the what? Oh, OK. What's that? That's my mind. I've never seen that in my life. How did you go on my property today? I'm gonna call the one and don't tell you what. You're in your pool and yourself right here. So I don't know. What if you had a history with them or not, but you got AUS Marshall. You know, the weapons violate. That's all it tells me. OK, when you get down there, they're going to print it out for you. Yeah, I I already called down there to make sure everything was good. That's what took me so long. They verified it. It's it's ready to go. So that's how we're expecting taking you down. I'm gonna go get your phone. We don't forget about those. It's vague to me. I can't look up. It's federal stuff. So that's what we got to see it when you get down there. I know the owner of the car is coming. His folks won't have problems. Well, we can go ahead and get out of here. I'm going to put this in there. I just want to transform his office real quick. Yeah. I don't know if CR U's going to want to talk 2 minutes at all about anything. OK, he's got your citation in the pastor's seat for speeding and reckless driving. OK, Yeah, I'm going to show you here. It's a 45 to there. OK? And that was your speed, dude. OK, All right, I'm going to get your money in front of you. OK, Here's here's make money. We'll put this in the in the bag for you, OK? Yeah. Here. I got you. You're going to watch me 1234567891012345678 How much money did you have on you? He's moving and everything. He's moving. Listen to me. Tell me how much cash you had on you. What was the amount? I just want to see. I'm not going to like, can you? Can you check? I'm not going nowhere. Can you check your fellow opposite for me, please? I heard there was a bad pop. He told me. Oh, I had to. He's moving between his legs. I'm going to stand right here. But can y'all please check your fellow officers, please? Look, he's moving his arm right now. How much cash did you have on you? Can you check your hands? Can you check your people, 'cause he's look at his head, he's tucking money. He's tucking money right in his right hand. Tell me how much money he's tucking money. He's tucking my money. That's a, that's a, that's a problem. Can y'all checking? Listen, let her. No, don't check me. Listen, look at him moving. He's moving. Oh my God, y'all not going to check him? Listen, look at listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. Come my tongue. Let me tell you, I'm not going to allow anybody to take your money. But look at me. Look at me. If if someone takes your money, it will be a big problem. All right? No one's going to take your money. I can see his hands. I can see exactly what what he's doing. No one's going to take your money. She's going to count your money. There's more. There's more money in here. You're saying that that there's more money in here but what I'm saying is let me ask you a question. Ask my question Art Art are you saying that there's more more money in here? What I'm saying is he just touched my money and went through three different 4 compartments and I seen him put it in between his legs. I heard my rubber band. I've been non but cooperative with you guys. All I wanted you guys to do is I'm saying but he already moved and did a lot of different stuff but y'all already let him move like it's a long way. But what that's strange. I can't really y'all just give me one thing. How much cats do you have on each total so I can count it out and we can verify if any commitment. That's what I'm asking you, you know, do you know what the total amount was? No, I honestly don't. The money was for bills. My wife gave it to me. The one that just she tried to give me. I tried to give her the money. He said don't give it to her 'cause I went to Wendy's. I got a Wendy's receipt work. But do you know how much cats you had on it so I can count it out so we can verify the total. You know approximately how much you had on them. I said number and I get it wrong because he touched the money. Then it's going to be all wrong. But I just don't understand why I heard my rubber band being popped. I just grabbed it for mistake to give to her. That's not what you just told me either, boss. I did. That's what I did and I handed her the I'm not going to have I gave you any problems? No Sir, you have not. That's all I wanted to ask Sir. I just don't understand why y'all couldn't like I'm not going. I sit on my face. I'm not going nowhere. I just want to, I'm not sure I'm distraughted. It's a lot. It's a lot going on. I didn't even know I had a warrant. I'm just trying to, I'm just trying to like what's it called? I'm trying to like just like comply with you guys. But that just doesn't make sense to the point where like I just watched him, me and you both watched him move his hands. I watched him tear up. I watched him look at you and tell him like look at look at you and tell you know, you're like you're not about to. I just watched him do way too much when I haven't been nothing but nice and compliant to you guys. I'm trying to go along with you guys's protocols and everything. All I've done was ask questions so I know how like to make sure I'm safe and my family can find me and stuff. And it's like, I know that's why I was asking him what your total was so we can sit here and count it out. But they wouldn't it wouldn't, it wouldn't just help me more saying that you would have checked him. It's like you guys see me walk, walk over here. I did see that, Sir. None of y'all, none of y'all like none of you guys body Cam is on like like I know, but I know for a fact what I've seen and what I heard. And then when I asked him why was he like popping the rubber band on the money, he said I was just making sure something. But there's no need to make sure you know what I'm saying. Like that's my property. You know what I'm saying. And I know for a fact the money was touched, but it's a million components when I grab it out of the seat. I understand. So I don't want to argue with you. I didn't know what. OK. So what we I typically do is count out everybody's money again, but I'm not, so you can see that it's accurate. So when I turn it over to property, you can verify that the total we're counting out now is the total that you're going to get back. OK. Are you good with me doing that right now? And then you can tell me, do you have any kind of idea about how much you would say you have? But if you tell me afterwards that it's missing, that doesn't verify. But if you guys want to stop him, if you tell me how much it was now I can count it and we can verify it. This missing. OK, I understand what you're saying, ma'am, and I appreciate everything. I feel like you guys don't understand what I'm saying, but it's OK. I'm not tripping. You can count it up. I just like you counting it out right now. But just let me know exactly how much you took. But I'm not tripping. I'm not trying to cause any problems or any Miss, Miss Casperson. Miss Casperson, I'm not trying to cause any problems. I just know what I know. You know what I'm saying. I know I heard her band part. I seen him feeling he did not just he did not just keep his hands up the whole time, like like, no, I didn't. He didn't open the door and say, you can search me. Look, I heard my money like I like, I'm a, I'm a very great businessman. I just paid bills all a couple days ago. You know what I'm saying? I, I didn't know for a fact that he touched my money and then he was adamant about not giving my money to my wife or the, the cameraman that was with me. You see what I'm saying? He was just like, no, you're going to keep your money on you, which wasn't a problem, you know what I'm saying? But him touching the money prior to just putting it into like I've been listening the whole time. He asked for, he asked for the small envelope. He didn't put the money in there. Then he asked for like like it's just, it just doesn't make interest. But you can do your job. I'm not trying to like postpone or like cause the problem. I just want to see how much is missing. I want to count in front of you so you can see how much that you have. OK 23456789101234 5678910123456 7891012346789101234 456789101234567891012345678 1 Two three 4 5-6 Yeah. Hold on. Hold on. 777 One 7007 1000 20401681204016 Eighty 97190 OK, so we have it documented that you're saying that. OK, Can you see me putting it all in here? What are you saying, 190? No, I I didn't think you said that. OK, All right, But I said I wanted to count it out from in front of you so you can see how much is in there. Because when we turn this over to the Sheriff's Office, it's ain't going to go to the Marshalls. That's going to go to the next Sheriff's Office. So This Is Us verifying that we're putting all your money in here. Can you write my name on there also? Y'all like like, like, I don't know the current part with that, but like y'all check y'all like, like his person because like if anything is on him, like it would be. No, I don't, I don't. Look, I'm, I'm going to show you right here. Look, look, look, look at me. Look at all of you guys probably have kids out here, OK? I'm saying look. So look, this is all I want to explain to you guys. Most of the time when somebody know they didn't like when somebody knows for a fact they didn't do anything, they're not going to just you. I'm saying like let you search them. And I don't have kids, you know what I'm saying? But I know how that goes because my mom did foster care. So I'm like up to par with all of that. And on top of that, if I didn't do anything, like how me and you've been talking the whole time, just like that, me and you were talking the whole time, if I didn't do anything, I have nothing that I'm worried about. You know what I'm saying? There would be no reason for him to show me his pockets and stuff. Like I know for a fact now I want you to feel comfortable. I would have felt, I would have felt comfortable if your colleagues would have searched you at the exact time where I knew where the money was because I seen you kept going in between your legs. And then every time everybody put all of the the attention on me, you kept moving. I don't know if it's in your door. I don't know where it's at. But just like, look, I don't even care to find the money. But how you know how you know for a fact that I'm right? Come here, come here, come here. Do you mind if I move? You guys come here, right there. I want you. I want you to hold me, though, so you know that. Do you keep eating that look? No, cap. I'm not even going to touch it. It's blue hunnets right here. It's all the blue hunnets are right there behind that receipt. Thank you all. That's my money. He didn't have that. This was your money. Yes, I heard him crumble it up. Thank you. Thank you all. That's been recorded. That's my money. That's my money right here. Sir, you've been watching me the whole time. I've seen you taking. I've seen you come here. If I'm right, it's going to be around $1000. If I'm right. And like I told you, I just need to win. I saw, I seen you still Sir, if you if you don't mind, I just want to sit down so y'all don't try to say I'm resistant. I don't want to do nothing. All I know for a fact is I know what I know and I've seen it. I just wanted you guys to trust me. I'm saying that's why I was just acting a little irate, but I'm perfectly fine. I'm sorry. I wasn't. I wasn't trying to expose. That was anything but. Brother, I just seen you steal my money. It was no reason to pop my rubber band. Brother, it was no reason for you to pop my rubber band off my money. I didn't pop your rubber band off your mind. I heard it me and you just spoke about it. You heard him agree to it. When we first when I first got I said I heard you do the rubber. You said, oh, I had to do something, something, something. It's OK. It's OK. I know. I just, I just witnessed here today, Mr. Chapman went in my money. He separated my money. He was trying to steal it and I caught him. He put it in between his legs and as his, as his colleagues approached me, he worked it towards the door. He tried to make it seem like I was lying. I'm not going anywhere. I'm in full custody of, of of of these officers. I'm being detained. I'm not going anywhere. I don't want any problems. I'm not armed. I didn't do anything wrong. I was just pulled over for a traffic stop. He just tried to steal some of my money.


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