Heavy rain makes Tesla Autopilot swerve off road! BAD WEATHER UK TEST

Yeah. Oh, look at all the traffic codes. Look at all those beautiful traffic codes. That was weird, wasn't it? All right, welcome to another video. As you can see in Auto Model 3. As you can see, it is a lovely day in England today. How wonderful. So today we're going to make use of the terrible weather and we're basically going to see what is autopilot like when the weather is terrible. So let's initiate autopilot and see how we get on. So very first thing that I will mention is that the automatic wipers seem to be working great. I've not turned these on, they've just set this speed themselves. What I do find is that in lighter rain, they're not as good and they don't come on quite as much as I want them to. But when it's heavy rain like this, I always think they do a pretty good job these days. And then the second automatic thing to mention is that the lights have automatically come on, which I think is reasonably impressive because it's not dark, but there is limited visibility because of the rain and the car has detected that it's worth turning the lights on. Now. You saw we slowed down because of those cars. I'm just going to let it speed up itself, and I think it did a really good job there. I genuinely would speed up a little bit faster, which I can't do without going out of autopilot. I just push onto the accelerator like this and it gets us up to the the speed limit a little bit faster. But I think it'll be interesting to see how the car gets on with puddles and that sort of thing because in my experience, it doesn't currently avoid puddles that are in the side of the road. We've got some puddles right here and we did go into them. I mean, it was absolutely fine, but we did go into them. But what's interesting is I've been watching some videos on YouTube and we'll overlay the footage of basically what autopilot can see. Autopilot can detect when there's puddles and when the road is wet, but at the moment it doesn't currently swerve around them. But that shows that it can't see it and recognize it and potentially that's something that's going to happen in the future. So we are coming up to a bit of a bend. You can see that there is definitely very limited visibility. So it'll be interesting to see if autopilot struggles at all. And obviously I am ready to take all that. I will also say the weather's been dreadful for about a week and a half and we wanted to film this video multiple times. But every single time we finally get to where we want to be, the rain bloody stops and we have to just go home. But it seems to be giving us everything we want right now. You can hear how noisy it is. So anyway, that turning is coming up now. I'm going to let the car in front kind of regulate our speed, I think, rather than me lower the speed. So this is that tricky turn that it's only been able to do in the latest update. Oh, it feels it feels scary, but it's doing it. I'm ready to take over. So I'm holding the wheel, but I'm not actually controlling the car. It did nail that, to be fair. I still think it goes into the first bit a bit faster. You. Yeah, yeah, definitely. But the second bit, it lowers it down to 40 rather than 50, and that's perfect. And now we're speeding back up again. But yeah, once again, as you can see, all of the other cars have their lights on. And I'm quite impressed that the Tesla has also automatically put the correct lights on as well. OK, this is another tricky turning. So it's load us down to 50 nice and early and then round the goals without a problem. I think it absolutely nails that one. And you can also see that the rain looks to have eased off slightly and our wipers have also slowed down. This is a little bit of a tight corner, but it doesn't seem to have an issue. It's took us down to 26 and then round we go absolutely fine. But then obviously we're coming up to a junction, can't currently do junctions or anything like that. So I need to take over now. I'll leave it as long as I can just to see what happens, but I'm ready to, I'm ready to put my foot on the brake. There's no one behind me right now. Oh, it, that was absolutely beautiful. So I bought Autopilot, but it stopped us nicely at the junction. That was a good opportunity to test that. I'm glad that we managed to see that. OK, let's turn autopilot back on. Jeez. Felt too close to the side of there. I don't know how easy that'll be to see on camera, but I felt very close to the cars that were parked over on our left. It's another Model 3. Where are they all coming from? Where we live? You barely ever see any Teslas, do you? But we've just seen two white model threes in the space of about 5 minutes. All right, OK, can't turn on the pilot back on just yet. Just wants to see a little bit of more of the road. And now it is ready to go and then off we go. So, so far, the rain hasn't really caused any problems. What I'm going to do is I'm going to click the rear view camera and as you can see, the rain does have an impact on that because the raindrops do get stuck to that. But I mean, what's the solution there? There's not really anything you can do about that. But there has been a few occasions you can get particularly unlucky with the water drops and they can basically cover the entirety of the screen, which makes it a little bit more difficult when you're reversing. Oh, my heated seats just started to come on. I haven't had the heat seat on it while very nice. So this sort of Rd. we can't put autopilot on because there's no lane markings in the road. So it doesn't know where to go. But just around this corner, we'll be able to turn autopilot back on. And then we get to that tricky corner where I nearly crashed in a previous video, right. So we are at the road markings now and now we can turn autopilot back on. So this is the corner. What I'm going to do is I'm going to see if it tries to slow me down. It yeah, it's OK, We're fine. We're all right. But it, it did it, it did it all correctly. That was that was good. Went into it a little bit fast, but it did slow down. I think it's still needed to slow down a bit more. But overall I'm pleased with that because I didn't lower the speed like I did last time. So I think when you look at the road right now, it's I can't really see the road markings because of the puddles and all those kind of things. Oh, there's a bird. I'm sure the bird would move, but I I don't want to risk all the pilot. Let's turn all the pilot back on and see if it avoids this puddle. No, it doesn't. There's a car parked up here. I assume we're just going to stop in front of it, But we'll we'll see what happens. But yeah, these Rd. markings aren't very clear. You're so close to the sign. You were so close to that sign. Oh, and they're very, very nearly hit that. What do you think we did? But what I was going to say before I nearly crashed into a sign was the road markings on that road back there. You could barely see them, but Autopilot still manage to see the road markings and stay on the right side of the road, which I just find quite impressive. Turn Autopilot back on on this road up here, we've got train tracks. Let's see if the car's going to slow down to go over the train tracks or not. Because really you need to go over these train tracks at about 25. Otherwise you, you feel like you're going to make air a little bit. So the car in front has slowed down. We are not slowing. We are no charges. But that's really difficult to see. I don't know how the car's going to be able to predict how rough that is without just knowing in in or well, it looks like we got a big puddle coming up ahead, so I'm just going to let the car do its thing and we'll see what happens. Or it looks like we might have a few big puddles. Oh, this big puddles. Not as big as I thought it was. It was pretty big. It made me make a high pitched noise. Oh, this is a big puddle. Here we go, Here we go. The car slowed us down for that, or perhaps it slowed us down for the corner. If it's slowed us down for this corner, it's slowed down very early. You can see that. We're now doing 26 miles an hour on a 60. Yeah, it goes so slow on this corner. It's going 20 miles an hour. There's no cars behind us. It's warning me to be prepared to sit. That was weird, wasn't it? I just let it do that because I did check there were no cars anywhere, right? That was very odd. That's the first time that's ever happened. The car just took us off the road and just started it just that was so weird, wasn't it? I hope that you can see every, I'm sure you'll be able to see everything on the cameras. I think I don't, I don't know if it was the rain that confused it or the road markings. We've gone around that corner on autopilot before and it's gone around very slow, but it's it's, it's never took us off the road before. So I can only assume that that's a result of the rain. Obviously we've got cameras on all sides of the car. So it's entirely possible that just like the rear view camera, maybe the side cameras, I've got a big water drops over them and that's causing a few problems. So let's see if we can see what the car sees. So I'm going to save the dash Cam footage of what's just happened post in park. I don't know if this will work or not, but we'll we'll find out. So we click on launch viewer or and look we can see the different cameras with the rain. So obviously the rear view camera is very heavily kind of distorted by the raindrops side cameras look to be doing fine front camera I would say is also fine because the the wiper goes over in front of it still causing some problems though, but it looks like it's the review camera that's got the the biggest issues right. Let's skip ahead and we'll see if we can witness the moment at which we fell off the road. OK, so it's rounding it. Oh, this is so good to be able to see. I will say that this all processed very hang on, what just happened? It just skipped us back to the beginning. I was just about to say I was impressed at how quickly it processed. Right, let's let's try and play it again. OK, here we go. So this is the turning right there. That's a bit weird, isn't it? I wonder why that's happening. Let's try again. OK, this time. This is so cool to be able to see. It's that massive puddle. I didn't see that there was a massive puddle right there. That's what confused it because it just couldn't see the lane markings at all. Well, at least we know that's what it was. We have seen right now that rain does have a big impact on autopilot. Let's watch it one more time. Here we go. It's coming at it. It's coming at it. And then it doesn't know where it's going. It just sends us right over there. It doesn't even follow this left lane in the junction. Let's see if we can view it on any of the other cameras. So we'll go, OK, This is just before we spiral into the wrong place. Here we go. So over that puddle and just doesn't know where it's taken us. But I think it's basically conclusive. It's that puddle right there that confused autopilot because it just couldn't work out where the road was. All right, the obvious thing to do now is try the puddle again. We're going to just repeat the exact same thing. There's the puddle of doom, big puddle, to be fair. So I'll turn around just a bit and we'll see if the same thing happens again. There we go. Autopilot has been initiated. I'm just leaving it to it. Once again. There are cars behind us this time though, so I'm going to have to be careful. So it's load us down to the same speed as before, 24 miles an hour, which is a bit slow for the cars behind, but I'm sure they won't mind. Yeah, once again, I had to take over a little bit quicker there just because the cars right behind. Once again though, it got confused and I think it would probably have done the exact same thing, don't you? So let's do it a third time. Let's see if it's just the exact same thing. Big spin round in this car park. I want to have a moment of silence for my car that was professionally cleaned just two weeks ago. It'll never be the same again. Let's overlay some nice clips that we got from when the weather was nice and the car was clean. All right, autopilot's on. No cars behind us this time, which is great. The way it slows us down is weird. It slows us down so much here. So we've gone down to 24 miles an hour and yeah, once again it got confused that time it seemed like it wanted to keep going around the corner. I know I've said this many times, but I did make sure there were no cars anywhere when I let it do that because obviously I don't want to cause any problems for anybody else. I've turned around the other way. Let's see what it's like going around from the other side of the road. Hopefully it shouldn't really have any problems. So autopilot is on. We've got a tight corner here and then our corner is just after this one. So it's lowered us down to 2520. Yeah, 24. It's going around a little bit close to the middle of the road. So I'm. I did take out what part of that. Can I turn it back on? No, I can't. I screwed that up. Let's turn around. I felt like I needed to grab the wheel just because I was feeling very close to the middle and I didn't have a very good view of the other side of the road. OK, autopilot's on. We're doing the same again, but this time I'm. I'm going to manually lower the speed down to, I don't know, 30 miles an hour. So here's that corner. Hopefully it doesn't push me too much into the middle of the road because if there's a lorry coming around, then that's where we'd have a bit of a problem. Think we're OK? Yeah, we're fine. There's our corner of Doom, but I think from this side we shouldn't have an issue because there's no puddles. So it's Lotus. I'm feeling close to the side. Oh, there is a big puddle here. That's quite interesting. So you can see there from our Rd. position, it did avoid that puddle. Now, I don't think it avoided that puddle because it thought it was a puddle. I feel like it avoided that puddle because it thought that that was the road boundary. We've got a big puddle here. Let's see what happens straight over the top. What I will say is it keeps us very, very steady when we do go over them. But that could just be because of how heavy this car is and because of all of the weight from the batteries that are low down. What I want to show you here is that if I'm not about to take over, the car will drive straight into this. So let's take over. So that's a bit of a problem. Once again, though, we can see that Autopilot thinks that the train lights are traffic lights. I do like seeing them flash red over and over again. But what's quite interesting is do you see those little lights, Becky, that are actually on the the gate thing? Autopilot also thinks that they're traffic lights. As you can see, we can see both sets of gates as well, which is quite interesting. So that's interesting to see, but from a recognizing traffic lights point of view, probably not great. I suppose it's also displaying a couple of bollards just over in the middle for whatever reason. I can only assume that that's because of all of the the little grates on the on the fence. I don't know. So there's a van parked behind us and it's also showing that car as well, which is always nice because a lot of the time when you're driving around the car shows you cars that are driving past you, but it doesn't show you cars driving behind you. And I feel like it should, because the cars that are driving close behind you are worth keeping an eye on. You know what I mean? Well, there's the train. Is it going to show anything on the on the visualisation? It's taken away all of our lights. OK, they're back now. The train's gone past. I was hoping it would show some kind of structure, but it didn't. Get ready to drive over. We can see our little car over there, gone past our invisible bollards. And now turn autopilot back on and I'm going to manually press the accelerator just to speed up and get us to the speed limit. Will it let me go over the speed limit by pressing the accelerator on autopilot? Yes, it will. So I think last thing we're going to do now is we're going to just have a little bit of a drive around some places with more people, more cars, just so we can see how it gets on. We've got a big puddle here. Let's smash through it. You ready? Worth pointing out that puddles can be dangerous and when you drive through them, your car will shake about South. Approach puddles on the road with caution. OK, I'm going to turn autopilot on here because this is that part of the road where the lane markings disappear. So if I lower it down, I just want to see will it keep us on autopilot or will it abort? So I'll lower down to 40. We've officially got no lane markings, so I need to be very carefully because there's some blind corners. But I've lowered the speed a lot so it's pushed us into the middle of the road and I'm going to just have to take over. So I think basically what happens is if Autopilot can't determine which side of the road is which, it assumes that you're on a single lane and it just puts you into the middle, which obviously isn't safe when going around these kind of corners. We're in a bit more of an urban area. I'm going to turn Autopilot back on, rinses off slightly. There's a car behind, so I'm going to just take over. There was a car parked there that I think Autopilot would have stopped for, but the car behind me is just right behind us. I would show you, but look at this, a big old droplet right there. So we can see basically nothing. So obviously that would not be ideal if there was an actual incident and that car bumped into me because we could probably not even work out his registration plate. But I mean, what is there you can do about that really? As well as you can have little umbrellas above the cameras or something. But but that probably doesn't make sense because water's going to be bouncing on the road anyway. Have I mentioned that we wore once a week? And it'd be worth subscribing if you enjoy our Tesla videos. Thank you very much. Oh, that's a big old puddle. Look at that. We're going to get through these track lights and I'm going to turn off pilot on as soon as I'm able to. I'm going to see how it gets on so we can turn it on now. Rains eased off is still raining. But what I will say is the visualisation is showing cars that are very far in the distance. It's showing all the cars going past us. So it's obviously still able to see everything that it's meant to. And if the conditions were so bad that autopilot couldn't really see it, just wouldn't let you enable it. OK, so that guy's pulled over there. The car's not been sure what to do. The car behind me hates me right now. Let's go through these traffic lights. The pilot hates me, is not coming this way, so I'll be able to show off Autopilot a little bit better. He gave you such a horrible look. OK, Autopilot has been turned back on. The roads is difficult to see. It's obviously so shiny with all the puddles and how wet it is, but Autopilot's still doing a very nice job of getting around everywhere, which I think is very clever for a car. We slowed down a little bit, but now we're speeding back up or we've got quite a few wheelie bins. Let's see if these two wheelie bins show up on the visualisation. Oh, they do. They show up beautifully. Look at that. If it can detect a wheelie bin, it's a good day. So I'm going to have to exit because there's now a big lorry behind me and I don't really want to stop. Right, abruptly, right behind a big lorry. Right. Let's swing all the way around this roundabout. Now, I do just want to point out, even if it's not look like it, we have been very safe and being very careful. At which point we've chosen to let all the pilot do its thing and see what it can do. Because obviously when you're in the rain, you're going to be sliding about a little bit more. So it is always worth being very careful. Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to have to take over because she's like poking her nose out a little bit too far. Turn on the pilot back on, and it's slowing down because of the traffic lights that it's confused by. So we can stop here and take over. Oh, Becky, should we play the traffic light game? Yeah. So what we're going to do is I'm going to say when it turns green in real life and Becky's going to point at the screen and say when it turns green on the Tesla screen. Now, she's had a few issues with this in the past. Be a little bit. Oh, here we go. Green, green. What were you like that time did? You did pretty good. Yeah, I think I did nice nicely. Good. So that's pretty instant then, as you can see. Right. I think we should go packing Tescos to end off this video. Do you know what I think? I want to take back what I said at the start of this video about the the wiper blades not being great on lighter rain, because right now the rain's pretty light and the osmic wipers are getting rid of things just as much as I would. Oh, look at all the traffic codes. Look at all those beautiful traffic codes. We've got that wheelie bin. That wheelie bin always shows up there, but there's never a wheelie bin there. OK, let's get packed in here. There we go. And I want to say thank you very much for watching this video. I'm so glad that we managed to show off quite a few little issues there and also show off some positive things about autopilot as well in the rain. Obviously, if you are choosing to try autopilot in the rain, it isn't going to be as good as when it's not raining. So please do be careful and be careful in the rain if your car can't drive itself. Thanks so much for watching. Make sure to subscribe to this trial because Becky and I are uploading these videos at least once a week, sometimes twice. And let me know in the comments if there's any other things that you want to see us try in the car. Thanks for watching, watching and I'll see you all there. Oh, look at all the traffic codes. Look at all those beautiful traffic codes.


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