Dog owners can get free pup treats for life with special discount code

dog owners can get free pup treats for life with special discount code

Marleybones is a gourmet dog food delivery service - new members can get their paws on free treats for life

Is your dog tired of eating the same meals every day? Well, thanks to a new dog food delivery service, meal prepping for your pet just got easier. Marleybones, a Hello Fresh-style service for dogs, delivers gourmet, healthy meals straight to your doorstep. For a limited time, our readers can enjoy a 40% discount on their first order using the code REACH40, plus you'll get free doggy treats for life.

Each meal is packed with meat, veggies and superfoods, ensuring your pooch gets all the nutrients they need. To create a meal plan, simply take a quick quiz on the website about your dog's weight, lifestyle and age. You'll then be presented with one or two meal plan options to choose from.

Once you've picked your favourite, you can schedule your delivery dates. All products are free from grain, gluten and sugar. The meals cater to dogs of all life stages, from energetic puppies to wise seniors, ensuring that every canine family member can enjoy the benefits of the range.

All of the meals and treats include 60% fresh meat and fish, vegetables, seeds, and superfoods. They also come with a variety of health-boosting toppers, addressing the most common health issues in dogs: dental, joint, gut and skin health.

Marleybones boasts a 4.8 rating on Trustpilot, with more than 400 customer reviews. One satisfied customer wrote: "Very good dog food and well packed. The ingredients are high quality. And I highly recommend this product and my dogs love it. The customer service goes above and beyond. Lauren an employee there reaches out and helps you if needed."

A second customer raved: "I have a miniature dachshund who has always struggled with food. He is a very picky eater and has a very sensitive stomach. We've tried a lot of different things, and Marleybones has been incredible! He absolutely loves it, and it agrees with his stomach, as well as providing him with all the essential nutrition he needs.

"Started getting them from Waitrose, but now I have ordered from their website instead. It was shipped quickly, and ordering was so easy to navigate, especially with the little quiz to ensure we got the right combination! He absolutely loves his new treats too, his favourite is the beef and blackcurrant one. And the ball that came with was a nice little surprise for him, he's currently chasing it around the living room."

Another delighted dog owner shared: "My dog LOVES this food! He loves all food anyway, but this is stand out for him. He's obsessed with it. Would highly recommend giving this a try as the initial order is very cheap for what you get. Couldn't be happier and looking forward to our next order."

Not all customers were satisfied, with one disgruntled pet owner claiming their food contained shards of bone: "Our first trial pack arrived late by around a week. We were told there would be extra treats sent out and this never happened. Once we received our full order the lamb was full of sharp bits of bone.

"We were refunded for the lamb portion of the order on given 50% off the following month however, this has left us wondering what to do thereafter. Our boy loves the food so can't complain at that, just the lateness and risk to our dog from the cooked lamb bones is questionable."

Another customer expressed concerns over the food's consistency, commenting: "This is possibly my last box sadly. The food I'm sure is excellent quality but it is very sloppy. Harvey seems to be having a runny tummy with it and I have to add something to firm things up. As a disabled person I also find the packaging very difficult to deal with. A great idea though to have quality food that doesn't have to be frozen."

Butternutbox is another well-liked dog food delivery service. It uses 'human-quality' meat and vegetables, which are gently cooked to create simple, delicious, and complete meals. You can customise your own meal plan by answering a series of questions about your dog's lifestyle, age, weight and breed. Their most popular dish is Chicken You Out, made with chicken meat, chicken liver, chicken heart, lentils, broccoli and dried sage.

Tuggs is another dog-friendly food service. They prepare meals with 100% fresh ingredients specifically tailored for your dog's dietary needs. The brand combines meat, vegetables and insects to create their dishes. One such meal is Pork Power, composed of pork, insect, sweet potato, carrot and broccoli.

Meanwhile, Tails offers both bespoke kibble and wet food. Similar to other delivery services, you need to complete a survey about your dog's needs before receiving meal plan options. Both the kibble and wet food are made using meat, veg and supergrains. The meals are delivered straight to your door every month.


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