Dr Michael Mosley's 160 life-changing weight loss tips. These scientifically-backed diet secrets will transform your health

If you are sticking to an 800-900 daily calorie limit, aim to eat at least 50g of protein a day.

His genius was giving simple nuggets of science-backed advice that made a BIG impact. As a tribute to our much-missed columnist, we've compiled the best...

Dr Michael Mosley, who died last week, will be fondly remembered for his popular TV ­programmes, his ­best-selling books, podcasts and his regular weekly column in this newspaper.

But perhaps his ­greatest skill — and lasting legacy — will prove to be his ability to distil complex scientific ­

concepts into simple, actionable tips that everyone can understand and might be tempted to try.

Michael tirelessly championed health and longevity and his suggestions were always backed by solid, evidence-based research (or the sometimes bizarre ­experiments he conducted on himself).

Michael Mosley revolutionised keto dieting advice for people with type 2 diabetes

Michael Mosley revolutionised keto dieting advice for people with type 2 diabetes

He was a passionate advocate for encouraging people to take responsibility for their own health and steadfastly believed that small lifestyle changes can magnify and grow to create a big impact.

There is no doubt that his advice helped to improve many lives, so here, in the first of a three-part tribute series which will run today, in tomorrow's Mail on Sunday and in Monday's paper, are 160 of the life-changing tips he gave the nation, in his own words, starting with his ground­breaking approach to weight loss.

No need to diet every day 

The idea you don't need to cut ­calories every day to lose weight was ­revolutionary when the 5:2 was introduced in 2012. ­Fasting for two days a week and eating normally for five evolved into the Fast 800 Keto, which incorporates the same key principles but encourages a 3:4 split, where you 'fast' (800-1,000 calories a day) for four days and eat healthily for three.

If you have a lot of weight to lose — or are hoping to reverse a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes — Fast 800 Keto works best with a fast-track weight-loss period of 800 ­calories every day. But at the heart of the concept is the classic intermittent fasting which makes the plan much easier to keep going long-term.

Most people find they can happily stick to the calorie restriction during the week if they can relax the rules slightly (by increasing portion sizes and introducing healthy carbohydrates) over a long weekend.

Today, the Fast 800 Keto is regarded by the medical profession as an excellent way to lose weight and improve health, including helping those at risk of type 2 diabetes improve their blood sugar levels.

The TV doctor was an advocate for intermittent fasting to lose weight and stay healthy

The TV doctor was an advocate for intermittent fasting to lose weight and stay healthy

Go for two meals instead of three  

You can speed weight loss and improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels, cut your risk of type 2 diabetes and even slow age-related decline in brain health by incorporating Time-Restricted Eating (TRE) into your life. This is a form of intermittent fasting in which you eat your day's meals within a ­narrower time window.

Aim for a 12:12 pattern (eating all your meals within a 12-hour window). Some people find two slightly larger meals each day can be more ­convenient and satisfying than three smaller ones. One popular pattern is having a late breakfast, skipping lunch, then eating an early evening meal.

Teach your body to burn fat 

The Daily Mail columnist also advised that people include plenty of protein in their diets

The Daily Mail columnist also advised that people include plenty of protein in their diets

By ensuring your calorie allowance includes plenty of protein (meat, fish, eggs), healthy fats (olive oil, nuts) and not many carbohydrates, you can create the ideal conditions for your body to go into a state of 'ketosis'. This is when it releases compounds from your fat stores and converts them into chemicals called ketones which can be used as fuel.

Amazingly, ketosis doesn't just mean you're burning fat, it also promotes the release of hunger-suppressing hormones.

Make sure you prioritise protein

For effective weight loss you need to ensure you are eating plenty of good quality protein (meat, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, and dairy products). Protein is ­essential for producing hormones, it helps with the repair and ­maintenance of a healthy immune system and we need it to build muscles, enzymes and much of the infrastructure of our bodies. But many of us aren't eating enough. In fact, research shows lack of good quality protein in our diet could explain why we are getting fatter. Australian researchers have discovered that we have a specific appetite for protein and when the protein content of the food we eat is too low, we are compelled to go on eating until we have satisfied that protein need.

  • If you are sticking to an 800-900 daily calorie limit, aim to eat at least 50g of protein a day.
  • On non-fast days when you don't need to count calories 60-80g of protein a day is advised, and closer to 100g for the elderly, as they absorb less protein.
  • When aiming to maintain weight loss you can achieve optimal health and prevent weight gain by eating 1g of protein per kg of body weight (so, if you weigh 80kg, that's 80g of protein a day).

If you're vegan, shun fake meats

Be clever in your protein choices, as many 'fake meat' products are not only low in protein but come with hidden carbohydrates which would kick you out of ketosis. Instead focus on high-protein foods such as tofu, tempeh (which has more protein than tofu — almost 25g in one serving), edamame beans and ­seitan. Putting two big spoonfuls of nutritional yeast in soups and sauces can add an extra 25g of protein. Vegan protein powder will boost your intake, too.

One of his nuggets of advice was to steer clear of fake meats and opt for items such as tofu

One of his nuggets of advice was to steer clear of fake meats and opt for items such as tofu

Silence those hunger pangs

  • Plan activities or exercise ­sessions for key craving trigger points in your day to distract from the potential diet-breaking 3pm energy slump and munchies.
  • Sip a cup of black tea, herbal tea or coffee with a splash of almond milk (which is lower in carbohydrate than cow's milk).
  • Jump on the scales — your weight loss will motivate you. People who weigh themselves daily are, on average, 6.5kg lighter than those who weigh themselves monthly.
  • Remind yourself why you are trying to lose weight: you want to live to a healthy old age, don't you? Free from disease, fit and happy, able to bend down and do up your own shoelaces?

Pile on the vegetables

Aim to pile half your plate with non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, kale, pak choi, courgettes and broccoli, or salad. These are low in calories and the fibre acts as a brake on your ­appetite and feeds the 'good' bacteria in your gut, so they can work hard to keep your brain and immune system in good shape.

Stop snacking,  it piles on the pounds

Contrary to what the food manufacturers claim, 'eating little and often' is not a good thing. Studies show that regular snacking (the classic 'five small meals a day') is the easiest way to put on weight. The more we snack, the more we eat overall.

Three weight maintenance tips

1. Serve yourself smaller ­portions than you are ­normally used to.

2. Eat slowly and mindfully (if you eat fast, you eat more).

3. Don't be afraid to leave food on your plate.

Nuts are another food item Dr Mosley suggests incorporating into diets

Nuts are another food item Dr Mosley suggests incorporating into diets

Remove temptation from your life 

Willpower is hugely overrated and relying on it is one of the main reasons why so many diets fail. Help yourself by creating an ­environment in which it is easier to succeed than to fail.

This may mean changing your route to work to avoid passing your favourite coffee shop where you buy your frothy coffee and muffin (a cappuccino and muffin easily adds up to 500 calories).

And it almost certainly means clearing your house of tantalisingly tempting junk food and 'treats'. At the very least, put all the snacks in one cupboard and either lock it and give the key to your partner or put a large skull and crossbones on the door and hope that will deter you.

19 foods to eat in abundance  

These foods are packed with nutrients and fibre and should form the basis of every healthy meal. Eat them freely without counting calories at any stage of your weight-loss journey. You can drizzle them with a little extra-virgin olive oil or scatter with grated parmesan cheese.

Leafy green veg: Spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, chard, spring greens, pak choi, cavolo nero, green beans, mangetout, courgettes.

Salad: Lettuce, rocket, endive, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers.

Three ways to drink more water   

Water is your weight-loss friend and staying hydrated is key to minimising 'carb withdrawal'. You should be drinking enough fluid so that you are going to the loo to wee at least 6–7 times over a 24-hour period.

Any time you feel tempted to eat a snack, have a glass of cold water and wait ten minutes. The ­cravings will pass.

1. Tap water is much more enjoyable if you keep a jug of it cooled in the fridge.

2. Add slices of lemon to jazz it up.

3. Aim to drink a big glass of water when you wake up in the ­morning, a big glass mid-morning and a glass with each meal.

To silence hunger pangs, he suggests sipping a cup of black tea with almond milk

To silence hunger pangs, he suggests sipping a cup of black tea with almond milk

Ten tips to survive a dinner party

1. Let your hosts know beforehand that you are following a healthy eating plan, to minimise undue pressure on the day.

2. Offer to bring a dish and make a huge, healthy salad to share.

3. Bring mineral water to drink.

4. Time your previous meals so you don't arrive hungry.

5. Decline alcohol.

6. Do not touch the nibbles. Not even one crisp. Avoid standing near them.

7. Make a healthy selection from the food, basing your meal on protein and green leafy vegetables or salad.

8. Have a well-prepared 'speech' ready for anyone who tries to persuade you that dieting is pointless.

9. If cravings strike, take a moment to run through a quick deep-breathing exercise.

10. Remind yourself, these get-­togethers are all about the people, not the food.

Ten ways to ignore restaurant temptations

1. Check the menu online if you can and decide what you plan to order.

2. Ask for extra salad or extra green vegetables in place of potatoes or rice.

3. Time your other meal or meals that day so that you are not starving hungry when you go out.

4. Offer to be the designated driver so you have an excuse not to drink.

5. Ask for tap water for the table and keep drinking throughout the evening.

6. Refuse bread and breadsticks.

7. If everyone is ordering a starter, ask for a simple green salad.

8. If you can't find a healthy main meal, order two starters instead.

9. Eat slowly, putting your knife and fork down between every mouthful.

10. Skip dessert.

Dr Mosley, with wife Dr Clare Bailey on ITV's This Morning, share their diet plan

Dr Mosley, with wife Dr Clare Bailey on ITV's This Morning, share their diet plan

13 ways to make your diet Mediterranean

The Mediterranean diet is widely seen as one of the healthiest on the planet and studies show the combination of fresh real foods is optimal for health and weight loss. Maximise your 'M score' by following these guidelines:

1. Use olive oil for cooking and salad dressings.

2. Eat more than two portions of vegetables a day (not including potatoes).

3. Eat two or more portions of fruit per day.

4. CUT back on ­processed meat (ham, bacon, sausage) and avoid eating it daily.

5. HAVE plain yoghurt three or more times per week.

6. EAT three or more servings of legumes per week.

7. Have three or more servings of wholegrains per week.

8. Eat oily fish or shellfish three times per week.

9. Eat cakes and biscuits less than three times per week.

10. Eat a serving of unsalted nuts three or more times per week.

11. Cook with garlic, onions and tomatoes three times a week.

12. Sit at the table to eat at least twice a day.

13. Drink fizzy drinks less than once a week.

Rules to keep weight loss on track

  • Don't go back to old eating patterns — 'normal' for you was very probably too much food. 
  • Catch weight gain before it escalates. Weigh yourself regularly or put a tape measure around your stomach. It's much easier to catch weight regain before it's gone too far than wait and have a bigger hurdle to jump.
  • Enlist the support of friends and family. Say: 'It's going to be hard. And there will be times when I'm going to fall off the wagon. But I need you there to encourage me.'

Two apples a day melts pounds away

The nutritious compounds in apples could aid weight loss.

One U.S. study found women given 75g of dried apple every day (equivalent to two fresh apples) for six months reduced their cholesterol levels by 23 per cent, and, despite the extra calories, the apple eaters lost 1.5kg — just over 3lb — in weight, too.

The benefits are thought to lie in the combination of fibre and flavonoids which are produced by plants to protect them from sunlight and disease. These can be found in or just under the apple's skin — so eat unpeeled for top health benefits.

Apples have been shown to cut the risk of diabetes. They also contain health-boosting vitamins C and K, plus minerals like copper and potassium.

Apples contain fibre and flavonoids and have been shown to cut the risk of diabetes

Apples contain fibre and flavonoids and have been shown to cut the risk of diabetes


Monitoring your progress will keep you motivated

You may encounter bumps along the road so keeping 'before' and 'after' measurements will show you how far you've come and remind you why you are doing this.

1. Measure your waist. Put a tape measure just above your belly button and breathe naturally (don't hold your tummy in!). Repeat every two weeks (at the same time each day) to check your progress. If you don't have a tape measure, cut a length of string to your height, fold it in half, then see if it fits around your tummy. Your waist should, ideally, be less than half your height.

2. Take your blood pressure — if you are hypertensive your blood pressure should start to come down when you lose weight.

3. Take a photo. You will want to show people the 'before' and 'after' in a few weeks' time and you'll kick yourself if you haven't got photographic evidence.

4. Keep a diary of your progress and log the main reasons why you want to lose weight (it's good to flick back to whenever you feel yourself wobbling).

5. Garner support — tell family of your plans and reasons for losing weight. Making a commitment means you're more likely to stick to it, and people are less likely to offer you 'treats'.


Harnessing the power of protein and beating those sugar cravings

Six ways to get more protein into your diet 

  • Start your day with eggs (6g of protein per egg).
  • Add smoked salmon or a couple of bacon rashers to two eggs and that will push you up to 30g.
  • Or you might opt for kippers for breakfast. A small kipper, around 100g, will give you 25g of protein.
  • Greek yoghurt is also a good way to top up protein levels, particularly if you add nuts. A small serving (200g) with nuts will deliver around 25g of protein.
  • For lunch, or your evening meal, your best bet for a protein boost is meat or fish, with a palm-sized piece of either delivering about 30g of protein.
  • If you're a vegetarian, then beans and lentils are a protein-packed option. One cup (200g) of cooked lentils provides around 20g of protein. And tofu, which is a great meat substitute, gives you about 18g of protein per 150g.

Dr Mosley advised starting your day with eggs, which each contain around 6g of protein

Dr Mosley advised starting your day with eggs, which each contain around 6g of protein

Four ways to keep blood sugar levels stable

  • Delay drinking coffee until an hour after waking. A couple of hours before you wake up, your body releases a big shot of the stress hormone cortisol to get you ready for the day ahead and one cup of coffee (even taken black and without sugar) can boost that spike. Better to delay it until those ­initial blood sugar levels are falling.
  • Take a 15-minute walk 60-90 minutes after eating so your muscles use up some of the surplus sugar in your blood.
  • Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water before having a sugary snack or carb-heavy meal (the acetic acid in the vinegar slows the breakdown of carbs into sugar).
  • Cook, cool and then reheat carb-heavy meals such as rice, pasta and potatoes to change their structure so they become 'resistant' to gut enzymes that break them down, causing a smaller blood sugar surge.

Read More

As a tribute to his life-changing advice, revisit two of Michael Mosley's finest Mail columns

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Seven tricks to speed up your metabolic rate

  • One reason we are gaining weight is because studies show our metabolic rate (the measure of the amount of calories you burn daily to keep going) is falling. In fact, over the past 40 years, average metabolic rates have slowed so much that men are burning about 220 calories less a day and women 122 less.
  • Eat more meat and dairy products (and fewer ultra-processed foods) — studies show when you reduce levels of saturated fat in the diet, metabolic rate drops, but a ketogenic diet high in fat and protein helps maintain metabolic rate.
  • Turn the thermostat down. You burn calories keeping your core temperature within a healthy range and your body will produce more metabolically active 'brown fat' which raises metabolic rate.
  • Do more resistance exercises, such as press-ups and squats, as muscles burn energy even when you are sleeping.
  • Eat spicy foods. Chilli is thought to rev up the body's fat-burning mechanisms.
  • Drink plenty of water to give your metabolism a little boost. The body has to expend energy to warm the fluid to body temperature and water plays an important role in the way the body burns fat.
  • Eat more protein. This will boost your metabolic rate, as your body uses more energy digesting and absorbing protein than foods that are high in carbs.
  • Drink green tea. It contains bioactive substances such as caffeine and antioxidants that can boost metabolism and break down fat cells. The caffeine in coffee has a small effect, too.

Dr Michael Mosley was found dead on the Greek island of Symi after suffering from suspected heat exhaustion last week

Dr Michael Mosley was found dead on the Greek island of Symi after suffering from suspected heat exhaustion last week

Six foods to help beat sugar cravings

Research shows a particular type of fibre, called inulin, can reduce cravings for sugary foods because it helps boost 'good' bacteria such as bifidobacteria in the gut which produce the 'feel good' ­hormone, dopamine.

Inulin supplements of 3g a day are ­considered safe, but you may experience side-effects such as bloating, diarrhoea, constipation and cramps from such ­concentrated doses. Instead, you can get inulin from these foods:

  • Garlic
  • Leeks
  • Onions
  • Asparagus
  • Bananas
  • Jerusalem artichokes 

Adapted by Louise Atkinson from Fast 800 Keto by Dr Michael Mosley (Octopus, £9.99). © Michael Mosley 2018.

And Just One Thing by Dr Michael Mosley (Octopus, £9.99). © Michael Mosley 2023. To order a copy of either

book for £8.99 (offer valid to 30/06/24; UK P&P free on orders over £25), go to mailshop.co.uk/books or call 020 3176 2937.


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