Maps that are Insightful

Maps that are insightful. A lovely overview of the approximate limits of the world known to the Romans around 150 AD. That's so interesting, isn't it? Like they had no idea just how massive Asia and Africa actually were. They didn't even know what was happening in Finland. That's mental. And at least with those continents, they kind of knew that there was a land that was unexplored. But I bet they couldn't have even imagined the Americas. Piracy in the 21st century, right? Enhance, enhance. So generally these days, not much piracy. By piracy we mean like people on boards stealing stuff from other boats, like proper pirate stuff. Basically total low risk in North America, Europe, most of Asia, but there's still some dangerous areas, particularly Horn of Africa. I know that Somali pirates are quite famous worldwide, but apparently there's more trouble in the Gulf of Guinea. 43% of attacks and then straight of Malacca down in Indonesia. Malaysia area. Interesting. You won't catch me paddling about down there, that's for sure. Every mountain building and tree shadow in the world simulated for any date and time. Oh my God, this looks incredible. Right? There's URL. OK, we're near me. Let's just zoom in on the Peak District. So this is the shadows literally as I'm recording, but I can grab this and ah, that's so satisfying. It's when you get to like sunset and it just really goes for it. OK, let's go to London. Let's like zoom in on Big Ben, right? This is midnight. But look at this. I go to like 7:00 PM and oh look, it's Big Ben's shadow. That is incredible. Oh my God. I encourage you to look at this website and try it with your own house. I'll probably resist doing that. In the video, true size of Africa, comparison of Africa's land area to selected country slash regions. So the entirety of Russia fits from north to South in Africa. That's mental. But you know, they're both pretty big. But what's kind of crazy is how small the US looks like all of us, including Alaska fits very, very spaciously within Africa. China or another massive country kind of not really dent in the top half of the country. This is insane. Look how teeny tiny India looks. And obviously India's most populated country in the world. More people live in India than the entire continent of Africa. But it's not taking up that much space. But it's neatly squeezing itself into the Horn of Africa. Don't mind if I do now this point. You know I love fun facts about countries. Like for example, did you know that St. Lucia is the only country in the world named after a real woman? But don't you think it's a shame that there isn't something like a website where you could put all of these fun facts about countries into one place? This sounds like a job for or do Jack. What is or do you maniac? What are you talking about or do is a management platform that helps you streamline your business without having to spend loads of money and learn how to do things like coding web pages. If you use just one or do app, you can do it for free with unlimited hosting and support and a custom domain for the 1st. Yeah, using all these website builder. I made a quick example of my country fun facts page. I bet you didn't know that France as long as border is technically with Brazil. All these website builder is fully customizable and once you've made a template that you're happy with, you can save it and use it on other pages instantly. I bet you didn't know that Brussels Airport sells more chocolate than any other location in the world. All of the assets adapt to the screen that you're using, so you can design an entire website from your phone if you want to. You can sign up to Urdu now to unlock your free application and discover endless possibilities for your business. The links in the description. Politicians killed in Mexico since the start of 2024. See this is insightful because I have no clue what's happening in Mexico but clearly there is some dodgy stuff happening. 38 politicians killed in the last six months. This is terrible. The Alps hand drawn by myself in Tolkien style. Please suggest any improvements. That's so epic. Let's get it enhanced. Enhanced. Ah, we really can enhance, enhance. So it's like a Middle Earth map, but we've got Switzerland here and we've got the Alps around here before we get Italy. Oh, this looks really, really cool, doesn't it? Look at the Mediterranean. Down the bottom, there's Corsica, Liguarian Sea. I did not know that was the name of that sea. Gulf of Lions. I'm learning so much. I don't know the names of any of these places, but the map has been drawn really, really nicely. It looks epic. I love the actual Alps region. It looks really, really cool. Countries that had people displayed in zoos. I've seen this one before, and it's just a site. Every single time we can see that many countries, including the one that I'm from, had at some point in history displayed black people, Chinese, Koreans, Native Americans, Indians and Polynesians on display in cages as if they were animals. This is just horrendous. Speaking of racism, we've got a comic map of Europe from 1871, so I'm sure there'll just be lots of kind of very old stereotypes here. It's a nice piece of art. I'm sure it's deeply offensive. Why did France get a three headed dragon? That's incredible. And I like the little crocodile with the hat over in. Where are we there? Turkey, maybe front and rear car plate registration laws. Yeah, many state it's in the US, you don't need to have your registration plate on the front. And I'm really jealous about that because my car would look so much cooler if it didn't have the registration plate on the front. But I'll ask, what can I do? The UK like to be really boring with all of their laws. It makes total sense, but I can still be worried about it. Average speed of trains in Europe. Go on, we'll do a little enhance, enhance. I always forget just how mentally fast trains are, you know, like 134 kilometers per hour. What is that in mph? It's 83 mph. That's actually not that quick. I thought it would be still like 100, but I suppose this is just the average rather than the top speed. Whoa. CHEO France and Spain nearly 200 kilometers per hour. Those are some efficient trains. It was slowest though. Looks like it's Albania. 27 mph. I could run faster than their trains. I couldn't. I actually really couldn't. Whoa, population changes in Britain between 1821 and 2019. This gives me an opportunity to correct a mistake I made in the previous video. So you can see 200 years ago, Island had a population of 6.8 million. And for every other territory on this map, the numbers have increased pretty significantly, mainly with England going from just 10 million to 56,000,000, whereas for Ireland it's gone down. If you're including Northern Ireland, it's actually the same number, but that means the population in that area hasn't grown in 200 years. And this was largely due to how many people died in a famine. That was mainly England's fault. That is awful and I apologize for not talking about it before. But yeah, look at that. England increase 56,000,000. No wonder it is busy. Every single time I go on the motorway I can't move. I'm sick of it. Approximate statistics on the number of executions for witchcraft in various regions of Europe between 1450 and 1750. I have never seen a map about this. That's really interesting but also just really sad when you think about all of the poor innocent women that men just wanted an excuse to drown. It turns out in kind of middle Europe, modern day Germany, Poland area, there was a lot of witch executions over 10 times higher than any of these other regions. That's absolutely crazy. This is quite an interesting comment. In areas like Spain, believing in witchcraft was also against the most popular religion. So if you accuse someone of being a witch, that means you're accepting that witches are a thing and therefore you are also in trouble as well. Countries where teaching evolution is either banned and or restricted. I have no idea about this. Areas like Algeria just don't teach evolution in schools at all. That's mad. In areas such as Egypt, it is taught, but it's presented as unproven even though I mean it's clearly proven. Saudi Arabia also totally banned. That's crazy. I just don't understand how it can't be accepted. I mean there's like dinosaur borns all over the place. The crazy world tour that was just Stones total world tour. Oh my God, that's insane. So normally when musicians announce a world tour, it basically means that they're going to Europe, USA and Australia. But this English singer, Joss Stone, she went everywhere. She went to like every country, Africa. That's mad. Joss expressed her intent to perform in every country, thus embarking on a total world tour. She needs a Guinness World Record for this. That is absolutely crazy. Like what a feat. You can see that she wasn't able to play in Iran and that's because she planned to, but she was deported from the country due to restrictions on female singers leading public performances. Which I mean, that's ridiculous isn't it? But wow, that's amazing how many countries she managed to visit. I'm incredibly impressed. The world divided into 8 regions with 1 billion people each. This is always just very interesting, isn't it? I always think it's surprising the Americas aren't split into two, you know, with it being such a massive region. But I know that it is basically like USA, Mexico, Brazil, Europe gets to be separated quite well. Obviously. The main thing is it just shows how many people live on the east side of China and within India. Just absolutely crazy numbers. I know by the way, the last notice India, there's probably like Pakistan shoved in there as well. But I'm just meaning India's known for literally being the most populated country. Anyway, the crested porcupine has the strangest distribution map of any species I've ever seen. I don't even know what a crested porcupine is. It's just like your standard porcupine. That is a strange distribution map. Obviously makes sense for them to be found within this region of Africa, but then how did they end up on the other side of the Sahara and throughout all of Italy, but nowhere else in Europe? The Sahara drying basically restricted it to the fringes, so that makes sense. But then the Romans brought it to Italy for fun. Ah, so Romans imported them over and then they must have actually just ended up doing their own thing. Toys-R-Us stores in the United States from 9:57 to 2020. My God, by the 80s they were popping up everywhere. Look at that. That's absolutely crazy. I assume the number is going to keep going. When do you think we'll see a decline, maybe 2010 or on 860 stores? At the moment it's 2016, the numbers still going up. Oh, I think it did go down very quickly at the end, but it was just so recent that we don't get to see it. Both France and England have almost the same number of population, but England is four times smaller than metropolitan France. Yeah, I know it isn't like India or whatever, but England does feel pretty cramped in the urban areas anyway. It shouldn't feel cramped though. It's just that things like our roads and healthcare just need way more funding. How far are you from India using India as scale? Well, if you're in India, you're obviously in India. But if you're in the red region, you're 1 India away from India. If you're in the orange region, you're 2 Indias away from India, which is apparently me. I'm only two Indias away from India. It splits through the middle, but I'm definitely in the orange bit. I'm only two Indias away from India. Yeah. Let me just have a look at this. Oh, yeah. Look at this. Look at how much the projection changes as we move more north. Yeah, I guess I am only one India away from India. If you were to imagine these tilted to the most efficient angle. So the complete other side of the earth is only 5 Indias away from India. That's kind of mental. You know, some of China's most important companies and brands and the region slash province where they originated from. OK, let's see what companies we recognize that we didn't know what Chinese. Oh my God, I was about to go crazy. I thought that said Tesco, which is my, like, local supermarket. It was about to blow my mind if Tesco was Chinese, right. There's gonna be so many products that I have used in my life that I do not know were produced by one of these companies. But it'll be interesting to see what companies are big enough over here that I actually recognize Alibaba. Obviously I've heard of, I don't think I've ever bought anything off Alibaba, but it is a pretty massive kind of bulk shopping site. GMC. Yeah, they do like all your products, don't they? Yeah. I think my speakers are made by JMC 1 Plus Becky's old phone that was a OnePlus and Hisense. So I've definitely used Hisense. My fridge, my fridge was made by Hisense. Sorry guys, I got really excited there. I'm not quite sure why. The deadly geography of Mount Everest. Oh my God. So one flag equals one body, one person that has died in that location because generally the bodies end up being left there because they're just too difficult to get down. I'm not going to Mount Everest. I'm fine, thank you. I could stretch the Kilimanjaro, but that's most high as I'm going. So you can see there's a huge increase in the amount of people that die past 8 1000 meters. And that is because the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is insufficient to sustain human life. So an extended stay in the zone without extra oxygen being provided to you will result in you dying. Yeah, Mount Everest is no joke, not to be taken lightly. Hours of daylight throughout the year. Oh, that's so interesting to visualize. You can see how much smaller and smaller it's getting. But then it starts growing back again by April. OK, so longest day of the year is June 21st, which is like, oh, I paused it on my birthday guys, it's my birthday the day after this video comes out, so maybe you could subscribe? That would be really nice. Thank you, that would be such a lovely gift. Anyway, this is really cool to see. And then obviously after the longest day of the year, it starts shrinking back down again and my God, it feels like the winters are so much longer than the summers. I don't know if anyone else thinks that. I reckon basically everyone also kind of agrees with that. That's so cool to visualize though. Copyright term length worldwide. This is always mad to me because I only learnt within the last couple of years that like previously copyrighted stuff just becomes free game after it's been around for a certain amount of time. Winnie the Pooh, for example. So the original author died to then add on 70 years. It's now copyright free and before you know it, there's a Winnie the Pooh horror movie. What? And this is for individuals, but for companies in the UK at least, it's about 100 years. So Steamboat Willie, the first thing that Disney put together that is now copyright free too. Oh, this is just Europe as well. So we can see. Is it any different in Africa? It's not that much different. It's a little bit longer for some areas like Equatorial Guinea. This is so interesting. I mean, I guess it's a good thing though, isn't it, because it prevents just monopolies for the rest of time. Asia, it's about the same as well, you know, 70 to 50 years. Oh, we have 100 years in Mexico, OK 70 years for the rest of North America. And then Oceania about the same as well. So it's good to see that everywhere has kind of got the same thoughts. But it's so interesting. Like throughout our lifetime, there's going to be so many other things that just become public domain. And I'm excited to see what people do with that. Anyway, thank you very much for watching. Hopefully, they'll enjoy. Please don't subscribe if you haven't already, at least for my birthday. Come on guys and I'll see you later. Bye.


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