Discover the best places to visit in Veneto beyond Venice

Veneto, a gem of northeastern Italy, is world-renowned for the enchanting city of Venice. However, the region offers much more than its iconic canals and gondolas. Veneto is a treasure trove of charming towns, scenic landscapes, and cultural landmarks waiting to be explored. Here, we delve into the best places to visit in Veneto beyond Venice, each promising a unique and memorable experience.


  1. What is Veneto known mainly for?
  2. Why is Veneto so popular?
  3. Padua: A Hub of Art and Learning
  4. Verona: The City of Romance
  5. Vicenza: Architectural Wonders
  6. The Dolomites: Nature’s Masterpiece
  7. Treviso: Canals and Cuisine
  8. Asolo: The City of a Hundred Horizons
  9. Lake Garda: A Serene Escape

What is Veneto known mainly for?

Veneto is mainly known for its historical cities, architectural marvels, and scenic landscapes. The region is synonymous with Venice's canals and gondolas, Verona's romantic legacy, and the Dolomites' breathtaking beauty. Additionally, Veneto is famed for its contributions to art, wine production, and culinary delights like Tiramisu and Prosecco.

Why is Veneto so popular?

Veneto's popularity stems from its rich historical, cultural, and natural offerings. The region is a microcosm of Italy’s diverse beauty, with everything from ancient Roman ruins and Renaissance art to stunning mountain landscapes and serene lakes. Its strategic location, vibrant cities, and delectable cuisine also contribute to its allure, making Veneto a top travel destination.

Padua: A Hub of Art and Learning

Padua (Padova) boasts a rich academic and artistic heritage. The University of Padua, founded in 1222, is one of the oldest in the world and once hosted Galileo Galilei as a lecturer. Art enthusiasts will revel in the Scrovegni Chapel, home to Giotto's magnificent frescoes. Stroll through the Prato della Valle, one of Europe’s largest squares, and marvel at the Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua, a revered pilgrimage site.

discover the best places to visit in veneto beyond venice


Stefano Segato on Unsplash

Verona: The City of Romance

Verona, immortalised by Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," is a must-visit destination. This city, with its rich history and romantic ambience, offers numerous attractions. The Arena di Verona, a remarkably well-preserved Roman amphitheatre, hosts spectacular opera performances during the summer. Wander through the bustling Piazza delle Erbe, adorned with colourful market stalls and ancient frescoes, and visit Juliet's House to see the famous balcony.

Vicenza: Architectural Wonders

Vicenza, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is synonymous with the works of Andrea Palladio, the Renaissance architect. His masterpieces, including the Basilica Palladiana and the Teatro Olimpico, are a testament to his genius. The city is also dotted with elegant Palladian villas, such as the Villa Rotonda, which epitomise classical beauty and symmetry. A visit to Vicenza is a journey through architectural splendour.

The Dolomites: Nature’s Masterpiece

For nature enthusiasts, the Dolomites in the northern part of Veneto are a paradise. These majestic mountains offer a plethora of outdoor activities year-round. In winter, they transform into a skiing wonderland with renowned resorts like Cortina d'Ampezzo. In summer, the region is perfect for hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing, with trails that provide breathtaking views of the jagged peaks and lush valleys.

discover the best places to visit in veneto beyond venice

Dolomites Veneto

Alice Pontini on Unsplash

Treviso: Canals and Cuisine

Often referred to as "Little Venice," Treviso offers its own network of canals, charming streets, and an array of culinary delights. The city is the birthplace of Tiramisu, the beloved Italian dessert, and a hub for Prosecco production. Explore the Piazza dei Signori and the frescoed walls of the Palazzo dei Trecento. Don’t miss the Cathedral of San Pietro, with its beautiful Renaissance-era frescoes.

Asolo: The City of a Hundred Horizons

Nestled in the foothills of the Dolomites, Asolo is known as the "City of a Hundred Horizons" due to its stunning panoramic views. This enchanting hilltop town has been a retreat for poets, artists, and royalty. Stroll through its cobbled streets, visit the Rocca, a medieval fortress, and the Villa Barbaro, adorned with frescoes by Paolo Veronese. Asolo’s tranquil beauty and rich history make it a perfect getaway.

Lake Garda: A Serene Escape

Lake Garda, Italy's largest lake, straddles the regions of Veneto, Lombardy, and Trentino. The Veneto side, with its picturesque towns such as Peschiera del Garda and Malcesine, is a serene escape. Enjoy water sports, leisurely boat rides, and visits to charming lakeside cafes. The Scaliger Castle in Malcesine offers panoramic views of the lake and surrounding mountains, making it a perfect spot for photography.

discover the best places to visit in veneto beyond venice

Lake Garda

Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

While Venice captivates the world with its allure, Veneto's diverse offerings extend far beyond its famous canals. From the romantic streets of Verona to the majestic peaks of the Dolomites, this region is a mosaic of history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you're an art lover, a history buff, or an outdoor enthusiast, Veneto promises unforgettable experiences at every turn. This Veneto travel guide highlights the hidden gems of Veneto, ensuring you uncover the remarkable destinations that make this region a standout in Italy. Plan your visit and discover the best places to visit in Veneto beyond Venice. And if the region feels like home, check out the wide range of properties for sale and rent on idealista.


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