Jung Ji-hoon aims for 'Red Swan' to top Disney+'s Korean originals this year

Disney-TV series

SEOUL, July 2 (Yonhap) -- Singer-actor Jung Ji-hoon, better known by his stage name Rain, voiced his aspiration Tuesday for "Red Swan," his new romantic thriller, to become the top-performing Korean original series on Disney+ this year.

"It's not fair to compare our show to the many other excellent works on the platform. We're on our own journey," Jung said at a press event in Seoul the day before the series premiere. "But I do hope we'll emerge as the most successful (Korean original) series on the platform this year."

jung ji-hoon aims for 'red swan' to top disney+'s korean originals this year

Jung Ji-hoon speaks at a press event in Seoul on July 2, 2024, one day before the premiere of Disney+'s new Korean original series

The series follows Oh Wan-soo, played by Kim Ha-neul, a talented golfer from an impoverished background who achieves international success.

To clear her mother's debt, she marries Kim Yong-guk, portrayed by Jung Gyu-woon, heir to the powerful Hwain Group, enduring his infidelities for over a decade.

Wan-soo's life takes a dramatic turn when she narrowly escapes an assassination attempt in Manila, saved by her bodyguard Seo Do-yoon, played by Jung Ji-hoon. As she develops feelings for Do-yoon, Wan-soo remains unaware of his hidden motives connected to the Hwain Group.

jung ji-hoon aims for 'red swan' to top disney+'s korean originals this year

Cast members of Disney+'s Korean original series

"I actually feel guilty about using stunt doubles," Jung said about performing most of the action sequences himself.

"I often think to myself, 'I can handle this on my own.' Plus, I think I should be earning my paycheck by doing as much as I can," he added with a chuckle.

Jung is well-versed in intense action roles, having showcased his skills in fast-paced films like the 2009 Hollywood thriller "Ninja Assassin."

Director Park Hong-kyun, best known for the MBC TV series "New Heart" (2007), "Queen Seondeok" (2009) and "The Greatest Love" (2011), said the actor's nuanced emotional performance took him by surprise.

"I knew he was good at action scenes, but I was surprised by his subtle emotional acting," he said.

Kim Ha-neul said her biggest challenge was convincingly portraying a world-class golfer.

"No matter how hard I practiced, I struggled to match the flawless form of a professional player," she admitted.

"As the lead, I felt a responsibility to anchor the cast. I focused on projecting a subtle charisma and delivering a stable, confident performance throughout," she said, describing her approach to her character.

The 10-part series is set to be released with two episodes each week, starting Wednesday.

jung ji-hoon aims for 'red swan' to top disney+'s korean originals this year

Kim Ha-neul poses for photos during a press event on July 2, 2024, one day before the premiere of Disney+'s new Korean original series

[email protected]



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