1 euro houses in Italy near the sea 2024

Are you in search of 1 euro houses in Italy near the sea in 2024? Look no further, as there are a number of Italian towns villages situated in proximity to the beach and sea that have also joined the initiative in recent months and years. Whether you plan to make an investment with a 1 euro home or move permanently to Italy, the list of the best 1 euro houses in Italy has plenty to choose from. So, where are the 1 euro houses in Italy? How near are they to the coast? And how many 1 euro houses are on offer? We have all the details, including a list of 1 euro houses in Italy for sale near the sea in 2024.


  1. 1 euro houses in Italy near the sea 2024
    1. Sicily
    2. Sardinia
    3. Northern Italy
    4. Southern Italy
  2. Where to buy 1 euro houses in Italy in 2024
  3. 1 euro houses in Italy: Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Are there still 1 euro houses?
    2. How to apply for the 1 euro homes in Italy?
    3. Can foreigners buy 1 euro houses in Italy?

1 euro houses in Italy near the sea 2024


One of the most popular destinations in Italy when it comes to buying 1 euro houses is Sicily. The 1 euro house scheme has been successful in attracting new residents to small towns in Sicily, and it is seen as a way to preserve and revitalise Italy's cultural heritage while also providing affordable housing opportunities.

Despite being one of Italy's largest islands, no location on the island is significantly distant from the coast and the sea, meaning that if you're searching for a 1 euro home in Italy near the sea, Sicily is the perfect place to start. After all, who doesn't want to enjoy warm weather all year round, along with delicious local cuisine. The following is a list of Sicilian municipalities ranked from farthest to nearest to the coast with 1 euro houses for sale:

  • Gangi (45 km)
  • Bivona (40 km)
  • Caltagirone (40 km)
  • Salemi (38 km)
  • Castiglione di Sicilia (32 km)
  • Canicattì (30 km)
  • Castel di Lucio (29 km)
  • Sambuca di Sicilia (29 km)
  • Grotte (26 km)
  • Racalmuto (26 km)
  • San Piero Patti (20 km)
  • Pettineo (6 km)
  • Saponara (6 km)
  • Itala (2 km)
  • Augusta (1 km)


1 euro houses in italy near the sea 2024


Giulia Salvaterra on Unsplash

Sardinia, the second largest island in Italy, is surrounded by pristine, crystal-clear waters. While it is widely recognised as a popular holiday destination, Sardinia is equally charming as a year-round residence. Its beaches are renowned as some of the most stunning in Europe, making it a coveted destination for sea lovers, and perfect for those in search of a 1 euro houses close to the sea. This is where you can find 1 euro houses near the sea for sale in Sardinia:

  • Romana (40 km)
  • Montresta (32 km)
  • Nulvi (20 km)

Northern Italy

Moving away from the Italian islands and heading to the mainland, Northern Italy is for those looking for a more rural,  mountainous destination where the countryside is the star of the show. This means that 1 euro houses near the sea are harder to find, but not impossible. 3 towns and villages in Tuscany and Liguria have 1 euro houses near the sea up for grabs at a short distance from the Italian coast:

  • Montieri (42 km)
  • Triora (33 km)
  • Pignone (16 km)

Southern Italy

Last but not least is Southern Italy, where you'll be able to find 1 euro houses for sale in Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Abruzzo and Lazio. Although not as close to the sea as is the case on Italy's islands, many of these towns are villages are still at a reasonable distance and give you the chance to enjoy the best of both worlds, being close to the coast and the sea.

  • Rose (42 km)
  • Maenza (39 km)
  • Casoli (28 km)
  • Cinquefrondi (24 km)
  • Altavilla Salentina (22 km)
  • Belcastro (20 km)
  • Caprarica di Lecce (17 km)
  • Santi Cosma e Damiano (13 km)
  • Albidona (11 km)
  • Taranto (1 km)

1 euro houses in italy near the sea 2024


Tullio Pronestì

Where to buy 1 euro houses in Italy in 2024

The list of villages offering 1 euro houses in 2024 is growing longer and longer. From Garfagnana to the hinterlands of Abruzzo, and even to the small towns of Sicily, the initiative is spreading across many Italian regions.

Each village has its own unique characteristics and offers the opportunity to start a life away from the chaos. Thus, from the Alps to Etna, passing through the Apennines, the whole of Italy offers the chance to purchase a piece of history and, at the same time, contribute to the revival of small local communities.

1 euro houses in Italy: Frequently Asked Questions

Are there still 1 euro houses?

There are plenty of 1 euro houses still up for grabs in Italy. The complete list of 1 euro houses in Italy. including 1 euro homes for sale listings in 2024, can be found on the official 1 euro houses website.

How to apply for the 1 euro homes in Italy?

How can you get your hands on a 1 euro house in Italy? Each village has its own application process which is usually published on the website of the local council. In the majority of cases, the process is similar and all the details can be found in our guide on how to buy a 1 euro house in Italy.

Can foreigners buy 1 euro houses in Italy?

Foreigners are among those who are most interested in buying 1 euro houses in Italy, and can do so as long as they are in possession of the necessary documents, all of which can be consulted in our guide to buying a 1 euro house in Italy as a foreigner.

1 euro houses in italy near the sea 2024

Coastal village with 1 euro houses Italy



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